ANTH 160 Long Paper Assignment
Due: Increments due from March 3 thru April 14
The goal of this paper is to apply a scientific approach to answer questions about the earth and environment. Students will select a topic and incorporate course materials with additional sources (journal articles, books, other library resources) to discuss major topics or archaeological problems. The paper is meant to expose students to important research resources while exploring specific areas of interest in greater depth than possible in the classroom. I encourage you to meet with me in the preparation of the paper. Intentional plagiarism will result in an automatic grade of F.
The objective is to explore scientific efforts to reconstruct past civilizations and understand past human interactions with the environment. All topics listed have environmental components and sufficient scientific data and source material in the library. Select one of these broad topics to research:
• Origins of agriculture: Where, when, who? impact on the rise of complex states
• Ancient engineering of water systems in Samos (Greek city-state), Roman empire, Harappan civilization, Aztec empire
• Built/engineered landscapes and the environment of: Mesopotamia, Harappa, Khmer, Egypt, Mali, Zimbabwe, Inca, Aztecs, Maya, Chaco, or Missippians
• Interaction among ancient civilizations; nature and scope of ancient trading
• Site specific studies: Machu Pichu; Tenochtitlan; Catal Hoyuk; Troy; Chaco Canyon; Cahokia; or some other ancient city from lecture or your textbook.
• Archaeological mysteries examined from an environmental perspective: the Chaco phenomenon, Mississippian rise/collapse, Maya collapse
• Other topic from textbooks or lecture related to humans and the environment
Formatting and Content Instructions:
• 8-10 full pages of text; double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins
• With final submission: no title page or abstract need to be included
• Paper should have a strong thesis, supporting arguments, and conclusion
• Students should choose words carefully and make every word and sentence count to fill 8 pages. Images are encouraged with proper source credit, but do not contribute to overall paper length
• No block quotes—rather, paraphrase and cite the source accordingly. You should have sources cited in text and a list of cited works (bibliography) at the end.
• Include at least 7 bibliographical sources (such as academic books and articles) in addition to relevant textbooks from this course. You must use more printed sources (articles, books) than non-print sources (websites, films).
Grade breakdown: You will incrementally earn points on this assignment, so it is important that you keep up with the schedule on this paper!
Abstract and sources (due Mar 3): 10 pts
Thesis statement and introduction (due Mar 19): 5 pts
Visit to Peer Mentor Center or peer’s review (due Apr 7): 10 pts
Submission of entire term paper (due Apr 14): 75 pts
This schedule is to get you started and to keep you on track. It will also allow me to monitor your progress, assist you, and generally ensure your best performance.
Step 1:
Select a topic from the listed options and start to find academic sources on your topic. Use your text as a first source on your topic then turn to the SJSU King Library database for more sources. To find articles use the anthropology research guide: Start with a general database such as Academic Search Premier and then try JSTOR and AnthroSource (advanced search), and search in the online catalog for books as well: The goal is to have at least five print sources (books or articles accessed in print or online) and seven total sources (this may include limited internet sources and films).
• On Mar 3 (no grace period), turn in an abstract (50-100 words, single space, 12 pt type). This abstract is a summary of your paper, informs me of your topic, and lists the sources you have found so far. You should have identified at least four of your seven academic sources by this point. I will be checking that you are following accepted citation standards and that you have a proper bibliography.
Step 2: Find the remaining sources you need, read the sources, and build the argument that is central to your paper. This thesis statement should be a sentence which succinctly and specifically makes the argument which you will support throughout the rest of your paper. It should be a declarative sentence, take a stance on an issue, and outline for the reader your paper’s main argument.
• On Mar 19 (no grace period) bring the introduction and thesis to class. To get full points, participate in a class discussion and peer editing of thesis statements.
Step 3: Start on a complete draft of your paper using the thesis to structure your argument. On Apr 7 turn in evidence that you consulted with a peer. This may include either a signature from the SJSU Peer Mentor Center (1st Floor Clark Hall in Academic Success Center, Mon-Thurs, 10-4) or a written comment sheet (included at the end of this assignment packet) from a peer in this class.
• Due Apr 7 (no grace period). Turn the evidence for peer review (as specified above). No draft of text is due to the instructor at this time.
• Due Apr 14 (Grace period of one week for late papers will be allowed, but 4 points will be deducted for each weekday the paper is late. If you turn in an assignment late (and outside of class time or office hours) you must turn it in to the instructor’s mailbox with an official time stamp by the Anthropology department office personnel. No papers will be accepted under the instructor’s office door or without a time stamp.): Turn in the complete final draft by stapling or clipping together: pages 1-8, a bibliography of at least seven sources, evidence of peer review of the paper, and the grading rubric.
For the Peer Review portion of the paper you may either visit the Peer Mentor Center or get one peer review of your paper from another student in the class with a topic dissimilar from yours. Please have them fill out this form for you to attach to your paper submission for either Part I or Part II. Any additional edits on the text would be helpful from the reviewer, but need not be submitted to the instructor as proof of peer review.
Name of Term Paper (Draft) Author: _______________________________________
Name of Reviewer: _______________________________________
Thesis (as you identify it):
Recommended changes for thesis:
Comments on grammar (generally):
Comments on structure of argument:
Comments on bibliographical style and in text citation:
Overall comments:
[Please detach this form, fill out top, and include at the end of your final paper submission packet.]Title of Paper:________________________________________
Overall Comments:
Comment Suggestions Points
Paper theme clearly links humans and environment and describes scientific methods Inadequate link between humans and the environment or scientific methods of scholars researching the chosen topic /10
Submission of abstract and four sources by deadline Failure to submit abstract on time /10
Thesis statement by deadline Failure to submit thesis statement on time /5
Consulted a peer review Inadequate use of resources for writing /10
Clear argument, strong thesis Needs better analysis or focus of thesis /10
Ample evidence to support thesis argument Needs better (or more) evidence /10
Paper well organized and clear Confusing organization, poor clarity /10
Conclusion is strong Inadequate conclusion /10
Well-edited paper for spelling and grammar Inadequate editing, errors in grammar /10
Uses 7 academic sources, written sources > internet ones Less than seven sources, non-academic focus /10
Proper use of in-text citation & bibliographical style No in-text citations or bibliography missing /5
TOTAL /100
Grade for Long Paper:_________