Short papers: Explain, contrast or compare the subject and do some research to back up your ideas – 3-5 pages not including your name, class ID and header information – single spacing, normal margins, use 12 pt font Times New Roman- reference what isn’t yours please using MLA citation- Failure to adhere to the formating and page length requirements requirements can mean a loss of up to 25 points.
Subject: One of the first effective computer worms was the Morris Worm in 1988. How has computer security changed since that time? Compared to this worm’s infancy in 1988, what does computer security look like today and how has in changed in view of todays threats and modern malware? Please use examples, like the Morris worm and Flame virus, and put these examples in an infograph as a separate addendum from the minimum page writing requirements of this assignment. Below is an example of an infograph – please create your own based on your own research and findings – include what is significant about the malware attack as well as the business impact of each of your examples.