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Assignment Paper

Spring2020 CW 1-1

Coursework 1 – Assignment 1, Motion

Answer all 3 questions below. Where you are asked to illustrate your answers these can be drawings, images or pictures sourced (and referenced) electronically or drawn specifically for your answer. Marks allocation are shown for the solutions to each question, indicating the amount and/or depth of the information required. Research, where used, can be specific data or supporting argument for your answers and must be referenced in the body of the text and at the end of the assignment in the Harvard style. Examples of referencing style are included at the end of this paper. Up to 5 marks will be given for the overall presentation of the assignment.

Read this paper in conjunction with the assessment rubric on Blackboard.

Newton’s Laws of Motion describe the actions and reactions of the application of force on an object. State each of the three laws in full
Apply each of Newton’s laws of motion to the actions of a tennis ball, before and after being struck.
You may present your answers in text or table format. (12)
If the tennis ball has a mass of 5.6 x 10-2 kg and it is hit with enough force to give a velocity of 45 ms-1 after 0.1 second,
(a) What is its acceleration, and (3)
(b) What is the force applied by the racket? (3)

Question 2–
Many sports require the throwing of an object to achieve a maximum distance from the athlete.
Understanding the forces involved allows improvement in performance.
(a) How does the size of the force and angle of throw affect the distance achieved when throwing the shot putt? (5)
How would an athlete increase the amount of force they apply to the throw? (2)
(b) Use a suitable diagram to illustrate the flight path of the shotput, labelling the component forces involved at the following three points:
i. As the shot is travelling upwards
ii. As it reaches the highest point in its flight
iii. As it is heading down towards the ground (12)
(c) If the shot is thrown at an initial velocity of 25 ms-1, and at 42° to the ground,
(a) how long will it remain in the air and;
(b) How far will it travel?
Take g to be 9.81 ms-2, and ignore air resistance and show all workings. (18)

Question 3 –
The vehicle’s tyres have a diameter of 0.8 m. During cornering, calculate:
(i) The time it would take for one complete wheel rotation; and (Marks – 3)
(ii) The frequency of the wheel rotation. (Marks – 2)

Draw and label:
(iii) A diagram of the vehicle’s wheel whilst cornering, illustrating the relevant forces involved. (Marks – 4)

Explain, with the use of research:
(iv) Why Formula 1 vehicles use different tyres in wet and dry conditions. Reference your research using the Harvard system. (Marks – 6)

End of Paper

Examples of Harvard style referencing.

Web page/article:
Within the text: (Vroomen & Stekelenburg, 2010)
Then in the references at the end of the assignment:
Vroomen J. and Stekelenburg, J.J., 2010. Visual Anticipatory Information Modulates Multisensory Interactions of Artificial Audiovisual Stimuli. [on-line] Available at: [Accessed 08/07/2016]

Within the text: (Peters et al, 2011)
Then in the references at the end of the assignment:
Peters, R.J., Smith, B.J. and Hollins, M., (2011). Acoustics and Noise Control. Routledge, Oxon.


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