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Assignment Paper

The community impact essay is an equally important factor in the selection process. You should carefully review your essay and ask an advisor to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission. (max of 6,000 characters). Gilman Scholars represent the United States as citizen diplomats in their host communities; they reflect a diversity of values, beliefs, and opinions that is fundamental to providing a balanced representation of the United States abroad. Gilman Scholars are expected to contribute to the goal of building mutual understanding by sharing what it means to be an American, learning about the host culture, and building meaningful relationships.

Make a case for how you will serve as an effective citizen diplomat abroad.

· When you are overseas, how will you contribute to the mission of building mutual understanding between the people of your home community and the people of your host community?

The goal of the Follow-on Service Project is for Gilman Scholars to increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship among their peers in their home communities and campuses. Summarize your Follow‐on Service Project Proposal in paragraph format by addressing all of the following questions, in no particular order.

· What are your project goals?

· I always had the dream of studying abroad. However, I never knew where exactly to start. With so many companies that offer studying abroad and so many locations and programs I wasn’t sure how to make my decision. Especially being a first generation college student and looking into studying abroad. A Follow-on Service project idea I have to increase awareness of studying abroad and the Gilman Scholarship among my peers in Montclair State University is to partner with my school’s office of international engagement to reach out to first generation college students.

First Gen and Abroad- tabeling events during study abroad fair to reach out to first generation college students. It would be targeted specifically towards first generation college students to provide them with those specific questions they may have about studying abroad. As a first generation college it is hard enough attending college in America without having the resources that we need. Being a minority and first generation college student, it is hard to find the right information about studying abroad. There are several resources out there pertaining to studying abroad. However, sometimes first generation college students are not receiving those resources. By focusing on getting those information and resources specifically to them that the majority is already receiving, it would increase the interest and want to study abroad.

· Who is your target population/audience and why did you select them?

· My target are first generation college students because studying abroad is a transformational experience that can and should be accessible to everyone, and yet students of ethnic and racial minority backgrounds, first-generation college students, and students from lower socio-economic backgrounds have traditionally made up only a small percentage of students taking advantage of global opportunities. Some of them and their families have never been outside the United States. Some of them don’t have the financial support to expand their education abroad. And It’s too complicated to find the right program, much less make it through the application process. By focusing on First Gen and Abroad it would help them eliminate some of those reasons for not studying abroad. It would provide them with a one-on-one connection with study abroad alumni who are first generation to help navigate them through that process, and it will show them that it is possible seeing someone like them who went through the process and accomplished studying and or interning abroad. With First Gen and Abroad, we will also focus on financing study abroad. We will provide students looking into studying abroad informations on using their financial aid, study abroad loans and scholarships- especially the Gilman Scholarship.


· How will you integrate the impact of your experience abroad into your project?

· I will integrate the impact of my experience abroad into my project by definitely being a mentor to those students and helping them in any ways I can. I can help them find the right programs based on their majors. I can help them create a resume and cover letter that will stand out to study abroad advisors and I can be a support system to them if they don’t have any.


· What, if any, campus departments, student organizations, or community organizations will you collaborate with in bringing awareness to study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship?


· First I will collaborate with The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) which provides financial assistance and support services (e.g. counseling, tutoring, and developmental course work) to students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who attend participating institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey. There, I will reach out and connect with those first generation and minority college students.

· Then, I will have to collaborate with my school’s Office of International Engagement to do those tabling events to get more first generation college students interested in furthering international education and global citizenship.

· I will collaborate with the office of financial aid to inform them about the Gilman Scholarship so that they can get that information to the students.




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