in this activity you will explore connections between the concepts learned in this course and
environmental issues. Specifically, you will create a mathematical model and visual representations to
provide evidence to convince investors that a way to improve an environmental issue of your choice
would be a worthy project in which to invest.
You have decided that you are going to make a pitch to the hosts of a reality TV show where
entrepreneurs request funding for projects, or products, designed to reduce the damage to the environment
caused by human activity. Your pitch must combine a compelling reason why your initiative should be
supported, with evidence that justifies the need for action. You will research and collect secondary data
use the data to create graphical and algebraic modelsnake predictions based on your algebraic model and
create a visual presentation using the medial platform of your choiceMake PowerPoint, WordPress, Prezi,
Weebly, iMovie, Show Me, Blogger, Tumblr, YouTube, etc.) The function used to create your algebraic
model must be one of the types of functions (polynomial of degree 3 or higher, exponential, logarithmic
or trigonometric) covered in this course