Please compose an essay in which you offer a critical historical analysis of Canto II of the Books of the
Wars of the Lord by the mid-10th century Karaite, Solomon ben Yerucham. (The document is attached.)
This work, composed in rhymed Hebrew quatrains, represents one of many Karaite responses to the
defense of rabbinic Judaism by Saadia, a.k.a., the Fayyumite (Fayyum is a region/city in Egypt).
Part of your analysis should offer a description of the source–noting, for example, who wrote the text,
when it was written, and under what historical circumstances. The greater part, however, should offer an
analysis of the source, explaining its main ideas, themes, and imagery, what it tries to accomplish, how
the attitude(s) expressed in the source reflect dynamics in the Jewish community, or between Jews and the
wider world, etc.
There is no right answer, of course, but there will be better and worse analyses, better and worse theses,
better and worse argumentation, and so on.
Once you have read through the sources, you might find it helpful to cogitate over the following questions
to help you form your analysis (though you need not need not address each question directly in your
essay): 1) What are the specific reasons the Karaite author condemns Saadia Gaon and rabbinic Judaism?
2) What does this document suggest about the place and authority that rabbinic Judaism held at this time?
3) What were the ongoing theological, ritual, and sociological conflicts among Jews at this time?
Your crisply written and proofread essay comprising 800-1,000 words