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Assignment Paper

Please write according to these instructions carefully. This is my first chapter of the thesis and if done in a high quality and correctly according to the instructions below, we can move on to the next part!
I attached all the files needed with a sample of previous PhD thesis to have a look at so to make sure we are in the right path!
“to thoroughly, with understanding, study the
suggested materials (the subchapter: “On the notion of ecology and
ecologism as an investigative attitude in the sciences of language”
(in chapter four, my book Coping with an Idea of Ecological Grammar
and my article “Ecology, ecologism, ecosystem and the ecological
formation of human mind in Gregory Bateson’s theory of learning”, in:
Nora Bateson and Monika Witkowska-Jaworska (eds.). Towards an ecology
of mind: Batesonian legacy continued. Dąbrowa Górnicza: Scientific
Publishing University of Dąbrowa Górnicza, 49-61.

Your task is now to:
“write 2 pages about ecology by Summarizing and discussing these publications from your point of view,
showing your understanding of the subject.”

Please, start with writing 2 pages about ecology but only if you
are sure that it is correct according to the demands of the Faculty of
AMU style in the files attached “The style of reported speech in scientific narrations” and “WA_Stylesheet_1_5_1”

To write your chapter, you should obligatory focus on the achievements
of certain scholars who belong to the history of selected disciplines.

Hereto, I am pasting an essential fragment from my e-mail from March, 15th.
“In the case of ecology (to be discussed in 1.1.), such names are
Ernst Heinrich August Haeckel, who initiated the interests in the
relationships and processes in the world of nature, and subsequently,
Ezra Park and Ernest Watson Burges, and Amos H. Hawley, who developed
the concept of human ecology, Einar Haugen, who coined the term ‘the
ecology of language’, and Leon Zawadowski, who distinguished between
the so-called ecological-relational properties of language, and its
lexical relational properties, as well as lexical-inherent and
grammatical-inherent properties. Next (and separately), what can be
useful is the matrix of ecological variables in the description of
languages by Elżbieta Wąsik and the classification of the domains of
linguistic studies by Zdzisław Wąsik.”
As for the moment, no from these ideas have been developed in your text.

Please, be also aware that the proof that you are using appropriate
publications (as first-hand ones) is the reference, in each case, to
the PAGES you ought to CITE and QUOTE respectively. This is an
absolute requirement for a doctoral dissertation (cf. “The style of a
reported speech in scientific narrations”).

When preparing your bibliography, you have to correctly describe each
position, distinguishing between books, articles in books, and
articles in journals, as well as the names of authors and editors.
Important is that given names along with family names should appear in
a full description and not in abbreviations.

Please notice that the reference within the text and in the
bibliography should comprise the names of the authors of chapters and
not of the editors of collective books. You should DISTINGUISH BETWEEN

for type of references: As to the doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of English at AMU in
Poznań, the students have to use now the WA stylesheet, which is
different from the MLA and APA formats. The WA stylesheet is in the
There is no other name for this format. It is an adaptation of the
Mouton de Gruyter style.
That is, when writing, please:
(1) apply a differentiated REPORTED SPEECH according to the explanation in the files attached,
(2) refer in principle to those bibliographical sources (you are using
first-hand), following the attached pattern (do NOT INSERT into your
text any names/publications you are not using first-hand, and/or are
not included in your bibliography), and
(3) prepare your bibliographic descriptions (of about four
publications) carefully, following the WA STYLESHEET.
One of these requirements is that EXACTLY THE SAME PUBLICATIONS should be
(1) discussed in the text of the dissertation and
(2) listed in the bibliography (References).
The bibliographic descriptions must be prepared thoroughly and, in the
Faculty of English at AMU, they must match the WA stylesheet.
When it comes to the publications recommended to you, they remain the
same: the chapter “On the ecosemiotic existence mode of language in
local and global linkage aggregations” in Coping with an Idea of
Ecological Grammar and the article “Ecology, ecologism, ecosystem and
the ecological formation of human mind in Gregory Bateson’s theory of
learning” in Batesoniana Polonica (PLUS 2-3 other publications). You
should study these publications thoroughly before writing.

Most importantly, the discussed issues must be presented in a
HISTORICAL-ORDERING PERSPECTIVE. To write the initial part of the dissertation properly,
it is necessary to clearly distinguish between ecology, human ecology,
and the ecology of language. It is advisable to work out an outline of
the whole subchapter “1.1. The concepts of ecology, human ecology, the
ecology of language, and political ecology in the environmental
studies of human life-world”, that is, to think about how to divide
the contents.)

One difficulty is that some names of researchers must be obligatorily
included (although the author of the dissertation will not reach their
works). Therefore, the author should learn how to invoke the sources
of his knowledge.

In the case of ecology (to be discussed in 1.1.), such names are Ernst
Heinrich August Haeckel, who initiated the interests in the
relationships and processes in the world of nature, and subsequently,
Ezra Park and Ernest Watson Burges, and Amos H. Hawley, who developed
the concept of human ecology, Einar Haugen, who coined the term “the
ecology of language”, and Leon Zawadowski, who distinguished between
the so-called ecological-relational properties of language, and its
lexical relational properties, as well as lexical-inherent and
grammatical-inherent properties. Next (and separately), what can be
useful is the matrix of ecological variables in the description of
languages by Elżbieta Wąsik and the classification of the domains of
linguistic studies by Zdzisław Wąsik.

I hope that the materials I have prepared and sent to you (in previous
emails), such as “The style of a reported speech in scientific
narrations” and one MA thesis and one Ph.D. dissertation, will be
helpful for you. Therefore, you are especially urged to study and
consult them before and while writing.”


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