Each student will be required to select two essays from Chapter Three or Chapter Four,
from Rivers of Struggle and Resistance, Second Edition
1. Provide background for the two selections you have chosen (i.e. historical time
period, economic, political, and social context)
2. Compare and contrast the patterns of race, class or gender oppression in your two
selections. Provide examples of both from the readings
3. Discuss the ideological framework in your two selections from the position of the
underrepresented and the position of the represented.
4. Provide you own assessment of the effectiveness of the two selections you chose.
5. Provide as a minimum two references outside of the required text that relate to your
subject matter. One of the references must be a book. All papers must use
standardized citation formats for referencing. A bibliography is required for all
6. The essay will be a minimum of six pages, double-spaced. The essay will be
evaluated on (1) content, (2) organization, and (3) grammatical/spelling errors.