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Assignment Paper

Small Group Evaluation Paper Assignment

I. Purpose.

The purpose of the paper is for the student to examine the roles and norms that existed in a permanent group in which he/she had participated. The student must chose one task oriented role and one maintenance oriented role from the sheet; and one task norm and one maintenance norm from the sheet.

II. Content.

For each role and norm selected, the student must describe, analyze, and evaluate it. The description should include actual behaviors exhibited in the group by an individual for each role or the group as a whole for each norm that demonstrate the presence of the norm or role under consideration. The behaviors may have been exhibited in only one meeting or over the course of several meetings.
To analyze the role or norm, one must show how the role or norm affected the group process in some way. Again, examples of what was actually done and said are important. Paying attention to detail is good. The analysis may indicate a small or large effect. The effect may have occurred over a long period or a short period.
An evaluation of the role or norm means one should give clear statements as to whether the role or norm was beneficial or detrimental to the group and its accomplishment of the tasks. Reasons for the evaluations should also be given.

III. Requirements.

The paper should be typed, preferably double-spaced with about one inch margins all around. The paper should be a minimum of three pages and no more than seven pages in length. Both quantity and quality count in the grading of the paper. A minimum of four full pages is required to receive an “A”. Please clearly mark each role and norm. Please only discuss one role or norm at a time. Please remember to delineate a separate description, analysis, and evaluation section for each role and norm. Please remember to put your name on the paper.

IV. Due Date – The paper is due by __________________. You can turn in the paper at any time before the due date and time. (Excused absences for not turning in the paper by due date and time must have the paper in before Final Exam time.)

Small Group Evaluation Paper Assignment – Page Two


I. Task Roles. (choose one)

A. Information seeker/giver – One who requests or supplies factual
material, objective data, information, or ideas.
B. Opinion seeker/giver – One who requests or supplies opinions,
beliefs, or evaluations.
C. Initiator – Starts the discussion and continues to suggest tasks,
goals, solutions, organizations, and new ideas.
D. Clarifier – Gives examples, illustrations, interpretations and
paraphrases ideas in order to clear up confusion.
E. Coordinator – Coordinates the thinking of various members by
sharing relationships among ideas and/or suggestions.
F. Orientor – Helps the group know where they are by restating in con-
cise form the ideas, suggestions, and opinions given.
G. Consensus tester – Finding areas of agreement or pointing out
areas of disagreement in order to come to agreement.

II. Maintenance Roles. (choose one)

A. Encourager – Helps develop and maintain a friendly, warm,
acceptive, and relaxed atmosphere.
B. Gate-keeper – Attempts to keep the channels of communication
open among members of the group.
C. Harmonizer – Tries to reduce any personal misunderstandings,
disagreements, and conflicts among the members.
D. Compromiser – Willing to compromise or concede a point in order
to maintain group cohesion.
E. Expresser – Senses the group’s mood or feeling about an issue and
expresses it. Empathizes with group members.
F. Standard setter – Expresses standards or criteria for the group to
follow in order to accomplish the task together.
G. Evaluator – Tells the group how they seem to be doing as members
as they solve the task.

Small Group Evaluation Paper Assignment – Page Three


I. Task Norms. (choose one)

A. Participation norm – Everyone is expected to make some contribution
to the group task. This does not mean everyone need participate
equally, only that all members do contribute something.
B. Participant-observer norm – Group members should be aware of how the
group is solving the task as well as what information is being
discussed. This should help the group keep on track as they solve
a task.
C. Diagnostic norm – People should be willing to point out problems in the
way the group is solving the task so that corrections can be made.
D. Objectivity norm – Everyone should view behavior as it pertains to the
group task. Focus should be on the task, although not every behavior
need be task oriented.
E. Feedback norm – Each member is responsible for letting the group know
what they think and feel about the solving of the task as it progresses.
F. Provisional-try norm – The group should be willing to try different ways
of solving the task, particularly if one method doesn’t seem to be

II. Maintenance Norms. (choose one)

A. Particularism – When dealing with people, realize that each person is
unique and different, and may approach a problem or task differently
than you. You should show respect for each person and his/her
ideas during the discussions.
B. Diffuseness – People should realize how important it is to get along with
one another, and hence should be willing to help people cooperate
in solving a task, as well as solving the task itself.
C. Quality – Everyone’s response should have equal opportunity for evaluation
toward solving the task. You shouldn’t review someone’s remarks as
poor automatically. Don’t just react to suggestions, but assess them.
D. Affectivity – Since we are emotional as well as rational, we should feel free to
express our emotions concerning the task and the people in the group.
his can allow for more satisfying group discussion.


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