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Assignment Paper

• There are several characters in In His Steps written by Charles Sheldon.
• The story of In His Steps takes place in the railroad town of Raymond situated in the Eastern U.S.A and Chicago Illinois.

• The main character, Reverend Henry Maxwell, is a pastor of the First Church of Raymond. Before doing anything, he challenges believers to reason on “what would Jesus do?. His wife, Mary Maxwell, appears shortly at the start of the novel.
• Jack Manning is the driving force that brings about change and seeks help from Maxwell bit, unfortunately, rejects. Jack appears on the Sunday sermon and asks the lack of empathy for the mass. He dies after a week of collapsing.

• After his death, around 50 people are seen to change in being more caring and empathetic after making pledges.
• Rachael Winslow, who is a young singer, gives her talent to God and promises to help people.

• The editor of Daily News, Edward Norman, makes an outstanding decision not to be publishing on Sundays in which he is compensated by Virginia Page. The donation assists Edward’s idea of publishing Christian Daily.

• Other people, including Marsh Donald, are seen forming a political system ti takedown saloons for their society, which is funded by Virginia.

• Rollin Page, a brother to Virginia, tends to spend most of his time in social clubs. He later comes back to his previous life and marries Rachel Winslow.

• Alexander Powers, who is a railroad superintendent, quits his job after finding out that the company does not comply with commerce laws.

• Jasper Chase is seen to take the other route in this novel. Although he pledged, he starts writing novels and makes sure that he sells as many as possible, seeking for recognition and fame. In this novel, he represents those who deny God.

• Many people take pledges and changing their way of life to be good Christians. Maxwell notices the impact of his pledge to the worldwide Christian society.
• Charles utilizes the congregation’s lives to show how it is happy to be devoted to Christ and the consequences of getting more involved in earthy things.
• As a Christian, i can find a strong Christian interpretation as people are emulating the good doings and others leaving their previous life to join hands in helping people.
• This church setting has made many people realize the need to help those in need. For instance, Reverend Henry begins using his power and work on the issue of pledges to assist others.

In His Steps by Charles Sheldon, there is a story of Reverend Henry and the congregation where he gives out a challenge that affects everybody in the article.

On Henrys rejecting a man searching for a job, the man comes in the church again, where it takes a week, and Jack dies. This incident brings inspiration to Reverend Henry on asking questions which are attended by many and later affecting their life. For instance, the one who stops publishing Daily News and starts taking out information that could lead to people sinning.

Virginia Page gives out money to support women with poor houses despite making other donations. Virginia’s brother is attracted to Rachel Winslow, who sings in the church choir and gets married after accepting the proposal. Reverend Maxwell’s actions, please Dr. Calvin, after visiting Raymond. Calvin and Bishop Edward arrive at a decision to open a settlement house, which helped the poor in food, job training, and improves lives. Felicia Sterling on following the pledges opens a bakery that makes more inspirations than Raymond.

In the end, the same challenge is issued by Reverend Maxwell at the Settlement House as he was aware of many people taking the pledge would lead to more change in the world as they imitated Jesus Christ’s doings.
Smith, Michael R. “Fantasy Theme Analysis in the Interplay of Charles M. Sheldon’s In His Steps and his Jesus Newspaper.” Journal of Media and Religion 3.1 (2004): 57-72.


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