The three responses to literature will be uploaded to Canvas in APA format, using the title provided with each prompt. Each response will receive in-depth feedback, and the first two can be rewritten once to allow the student to improve his/her writing and earn the full ten points. Rewrites must be submitted with earlier versions of the paper in the same document using a PDF merger tool, and must be resubmitted the week after they are returned to you (approximately 2 weeks after you submit the first one).
The title of your paper will be Response to Literature 1: (LAST NAME OF AUTHOR) Response to Literature 1: Bartow Jacobs OR Response to Literature 1: Phillippo
Week 3Option A
Bartow Jacobs (2018)
In this article, Bartow Jacobs, explores the field experiences encountered by teacher learners and their deep-seeded perspectives of students, culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP), and maintaining high standards. Begin by summarizing the research question, settings and participants in the study before discussing your reactions to tensions in the article between culturally responsive pedagogy, developing cultural competence, and maintaining high standards. What lessons can you learn in regards to actualizing CRP in the classroom? Are you aware of any cultural constructions you experienced that may cause tensions when implementing ideas like CRP? What role might your history of schooling have played in the adoption or implementation of CRP in your field experiences?
Week 3
Option B
Phillippo (2012)
Phillippo examined the use of personalism, teachers’ efforts to develop closer relationships with their students in three high schools. In the article, she discusses students’ perceptions of their relationships with these teachers, both in terms of best practices and in terms of tensions that develop as a result of the way teachers build these relationships. Summarize the research question, settings and participants in the study before discussing what some of the best practices and tensions that develop when teachers attempt to know their students better. Consider: how do we draw the line between knowing students, providing them support and invading their lives? How would you, in your practice, define that line and act accordingly?