Behavior App/Device Report
You will use the theories you read about to assess health behavior apps/devices. For a reminder, read this Wikipedia page on behavior change theories. Be sure to click the theories’ individual links to read more about each theory. Also, visit the other resources at the bottom. This Health Behavior App Report is a 3-page paper you will complete on your own and submit here. Use two behavior change or behavior monitoring apps (or devices) for a week. (These can be tools like a friend’s FitBit, the health-related apps on an Apple watch, the app MyFitnessPal, or another exercise, meal, or mental health app on your phone.) In your paper, you will compare the two tools you used. Write a report discussing their strengths and weaknesses. Include the following components as part of the comparisons in your report: Write a brief overview of both of the apps’ purpose and features.
• What agency or company created each app? Describe whether these institutions and their technology are trustworthy or not and why.
• Describe the behavior change theory/theories that are evident in the apps/devices and which features are theoretically-based. Be sure to cite the theoretical evidence.
• Describe if the features are effective, based on both the research and based on your personal use of the app/device.
• Investigate the apps’ ethics and policies around your data and how/if they keep your information secure.
• What features do they provide around interoperability? • What are your final conclusions on the apps’ effectiveness and what results did
you have from using them? Complete a 3-5 page report (not including the references page) on your use of the apps/devices. Be sure to incorporate some of your assigned readings and have all of your citations and references in APA style. Refer to the APA Guide at libguides.uta.edu/apa for help.
Helpful Resource: This text has chapters on the common behavior change theories. Feel free to refer to it as a helpful reference: Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice. You can also find additional resources by searching the name of your device in PubMed and Google Scholar or by searching for literature on your theory/theories.
Submission Instructions: Submit your report by clicking the link at the top, clicking “Browse” to find and upload your document, and Submit.
Grading: See the rubric below for scoring.
Rubric Detail Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout. More Help
A-level Requirements B-level Requirements C-level Requirements D-level Requirements F-level
Overview 17.25 (15%) Provides a thorough overview explaining the purpose of both apps/devices and their most prominent features. The paper includes an analysis of the apps’ or devices’ interoperability with other systems and ethical use and protection of users’ information.
13.8 (12%) Provides a somewhat thorough overview of the apps/devices and their prominent features, including interoperability, security, and protection of users’ data.
12.08 (10.5%) Provides an overview of one app or a quick overview of both apps/devices without explaining enough for clear understanding.
10.35 (9%) Provides little introduction to the apps/devices.
0 (0%) Provides no overview or introduction to the apps/devices.
Strategy Identi�cation 34.5 (30%) Clearly identi�es at least two overarching strategies in each app that either motivates the user toward behavior change or motivates the user toward tracking/management of health. Clearly details how those strategies relate to speci�c behavior change theories. Theories are cited/referenced.
27.6 (24%) Clearly identi�es at least two overarching strategies in each app that either motivates the user toward behavior change or motivates the user toward tracking or management of health. Theories are cited/referenced.
24.15 (21%) Clearly identi�es at least two strategies for health management or behavior change, but does not tie them to particular behavior change theories.
20.7 (18%) Somewhat mentions at least one strategy for health management or behavior change, but does not mention existing behavior change theories.
0 (0%) Does not clearly identify two strategies for health management or behavior change and does not mention existing behavior change theories.
Comparing 17.25 (15%) At least two similarities between the two apps (regardless of whether they have the same or di�erent purposes) are identi�ed and well- discussed.
13.8 (12%) Two similarities between the two apps (regardless of whether they have the same or di�erent purposes) are identi�ed and are somewhat discussed.
12.08 (10.5%) Two similarities between the apps are identi�ed but are not well-discussed.
10.35 (9%) One similarity is discussed, OR similarities are brie�y mentioned without discussion.
0 (0%) No similarities are mentioned.
Contrasting 17.25 (15%) Two di�erences between the two apps’ approaches are identi�ed, and the bene�ts or issues with each are addressed thoroughly.
13.8 (12%) Two di�erences between the two apps’ approaches are identi�ed, and the bene�ts or issues with each are addressed somewhat.
12.08 (10.5%) Two di�erences between the two apps’ approaches are identi�ed, but the bene�ts or issues with each are not addressed thoroughly.
10.35 (9%) One di�erence is discussed OR di�erences are brie�y mentioned without discussion.
0 (0%) No di�erences are mentioned.
Results 5.75 (5%) Student explains the results of using the apps for a week, the perceived e�ect on their personal wellness, the barriers they encountered, factors that in�uenced the change, and the student explains why the apps were or were not successful.
4.6 (4%) Student explains the results of their behavior change, shows a good understanding of the e�ects on their personal wellness, and somewhat explains the barriers and factors that in�uenced the change.
4.03 (3.5%) Student explains the results of their behavior change and brie�y mentions the e�ects on their wellness and barriers faced.
3.45 (3%) Student provides little result of the app/device.
0 (0%) No results provided.
Recommendations 11.5 (10%) There is at least one recommendation for the improvement of each app with reasoning as to why that recommendation was made.
9.2 (8%) There is at least one recommendation for the improvement of each app with little reasoning as to why that recommendation was made.
8.05 (7%) There is at least one recommendation for the improvement of each app without reasoning as to why that recommendation was made.
6.9 (6%) There is a recommendation for only one of the apps.
0 (0%) There are no recommendations.
Grammar & Writing Style 5.75 (5%) The paper is at least 3 full pages, using Times New Roman 12-point double-spaced text and follows the major conventions of grammar, spelling, and punctuation leading to a clear and understandable expression of ideas. It is a pleasure to read.
4.6 (4%) The paper is at least 3 full pages, using Times New Roman 12-point double-spaced text. There are very few errors, and the report reads easily and clearly.
4.03 (3.5%) An occasional error may cause the reader a moment of confusion, and the text does not meet all font, length, and spacing requirements.
3.45 (3%) Errors or shortcomings in grammar, spelling, and diction lead to confusion of ideas or the paper does not meet font or length requirements, but it is at least 1 full page.
0 (0%) The report is shorter than 1 full page.
Citing and References 5.75 (5%) Strong adherence to APA style.
4.6 (4%) Good use of APA style.
4.03 (3.5%) Several errors in APA style.
3.45 (3%) Many errors in APA style.
0 (0%) No use of APA OR no citing or references.
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Behavior App/Device Report
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