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Asssignment Paper

Write an Executive Summary : complete your required readings, and then analyze a required case study with a directed focus using communications of the NCO common core. You will then summarize the case study. Your EXSUM will focus on the historical case study but will be supported by other research you conduct to support your findings.



The operations realm is a complex and dynamic environment. Tracking available internal capabilities, utilizing the Joint Planning Process (JPP), and creating and disseminating appropriate plans, orders, and attachments are vital to conducting effective operations. In Operation Anaconda, the Joint Commander (JC) failed to utilize the Air Force capabilities available to him in an effective manner, which significantly extended the duration of the mission and the amount of casualties his forces incurred. (1) Even though headquarters published the warning order on 6 January, the Combined Force Air Component Commander (CFACC) did not receive notification of Operation ANACONDA until 23 February. If the CFACC had been involved in the planning process, he would have leveraged the appropriate resources to provide effective “preparatory and suppressive fire.”(2) The JC would have achieved this result if he had adhered to the principles in Joint Publication 3-0, which state “communicate and ensure the flow of information across the staff and joint force.”(3) The lesson to extract is that a proper understanding of the integration and utilization of Joint assets into the JPP, planning, and orders process is vital to effective operations. The integration must be early and continuous.

1. Department of Defense. 2018. National Defense Strategy of the United States of America. [online] Available at <> [Acessed 19 March 2020].

NCO Common Core Competencies (NCO-C3) Definitions
NCO Common Core Competencies are six major topic areas (Leadership, Communications, Readiness, Training Management, Operations, and Program Management) taught in NCO Professional Military Education (PME) that are common to all Noncommissioned Officers regardless of Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), rank, or position. NCO common core competency topics support the four Army Learning Areas, include subjects that are sequential and progressive, are based in Army doctrine, and build on skills, knowledge, and abilities of every NCO by enhancing a shared understanding required to operate effectively as a professional member of a ready and lethal force.
LEADERSHIP: The Army relies on NCOs capable of conducting daily operations, executing mission command, and making intent-driven decisions. NCOs must lead by example and model characteristics of the Army Profession. This competency includes: Leader Development, Counseling, Coaching and Mentoring, the Army Ethic, Army Values, and Character Development. Also includes a thorough understanding of the Leadership Requirements Model, Mission Command Philosophy, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving.
COMMUNICATIONS: Competent NCOs are effective communicators. NCOs cannot lead, train, counsel, coach, mentor, or build teams without the ability to communicate clearly. This competency includes: Verbal (Public Speaking/Military Briefings) and Written (English and Grammar) communications. Also includes, Active Listening, Facilitation, Negotiations, Social Media, Digital Communications, Media Engagement, Staff Studies, and Decision Papers.
READINESS: NCOs are responsible for Soldier readiness and play a key role in unit readiness. This competency includes: Army Inspections, Command Supply Discipline, Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and family), Equipment Maintenance, Resiliency, MEDPROs, and Financial Readiness.
TRAINING MANAGEMENT: NCOs are directly responsible for training individual Soldiers, crews, and teams. The Army training principles provide a broad, but essential foundation to guide NCO leaders as they plan, prepare, execute, and assess sustained and effective training. This competency includes: Risk Management, Preparing an 8-step outline, Conducting Individual Training, and the Art and Science of training from squad to brigade level (course dependent).
OPERATIONS: Leaders at every echelon are expected to display the initiative necessary to assume prudent risk while taking timely advantage of opportunities that present themselves under ambiguous, chaotic conditions. This competency includes: Large-Scale Combat Operations, Multi-Domain Operations (Cyber, Land, Sea, Air, & Space), Joint Operations, Operational & Mission Variables, Troop Leading Procedures, Military Decision Making Process, Warfighting Functions/Combat Power, Operational Terms & Symbols.
PROGRAM MANAGEMENT: NCOs assist their officer counterparts in managing Army programs that support Soldiers and families. This competency compliments readiness and includes: The Army Safety Program, Army Career Tracker (ACT), Human Resource Systems, Military Justice Procedures, the Army Force Management Model (How the Army Runs), Army Community Service (ACS) Programs, and the Soldier for Life-Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP).


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