Annotated Bibliography
*This bibliography indicates reading and research that I either undertook to complete this Learning Agreement, or that I intend to use to inform the next part of the assignment.
Anonymous,. (2019) About ECU’s Race Equality Charter – Equality Challenge Unit. [Online] Available from: https://www.ecu.ac.uk/equality-charters/race-equality-charter/about-race-equality-charter/ [Accessed 2/2/2020]
This website provides information on the Race Equality Charter, of which I explored in my case study presentation. It states that the purpose of the charter is to drive forward the cultural and systemic changes and progressions needed to make a real difference for minority ethnic staff and students.
Anonymous,.(2019) BLACK, ASIAN AND MINORITY ETHNIC STUDENT ATTAINMENT AT UK UNIVERSITIES: #CLOSINGTHEGAP. [Online] Available at https://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/policy-and-analysis/reports/Documents/2019/bame-student-attainment-uk-universities-closing-the-gap.pdf [Accessed 21.10.19]
This Report by Barroness Valerie Amos, Director at SOAS University of London and Amatey Doki, Vice President for Higher Education at National Union of Students (NUS) for Universities UK (UUK), informed a substantial part of my initial research on my chosen contemporary issue. The report looks into the Attainment Gap in UK universities. It covers all aspects of the attainment gap, from Sector data on ethnicity and attainment and real-life testimonies to suggestions for projects to tackle the issue.
Anonymous . (2019) BLACK, ASIAN AND MINORITY ETHNIC STUDENT ATTAINMENT AT UK UNIVERSITIES: CASE STUDIES. [Online] Available at https://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/policy-and-analysis/reports/Documents/2019/bame-student-attainment-uk-universities-case-studies.pdf [Accessed 21.10.19]
This report also by UUK is the second part to BLACK, ASIAN AND MINORITY ETHNIC STUDENT ATTAINMENT AT UK UNIVERSITIES: #CLOSINGTHEGAP. This edition addresses the suggestions for a project made in #Closing the Gap as well as featuring a series of Case Studies. It was put together by a number of partnering universities and students/graduates including De Montfort University.
Cameron, J., Roxburgh, M., Taylor, J. and Lauder, W., (2011). Why students leave in the UK: an integrative review of the international research literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(7‐8), pp.1086-1096.
This Journal article addresses the reasons for students leaving higher education. Although this article does not directly relate to my specific topic, it does address some important issues around a lack of representation in both educational and professional environments for students of HE.
Heaslip, V., Board, M., Duckworth, V. and Thomas, L.,.(2017). Widening participation in nurse education: An integrative literature review. Nurse education today, 59, pp.66-74.
Again, although this journal article is concerned with education in nursing, it addresses the Widening Participation agenda; a policy that many universities in the UK implemented in recent years.
Cotton, D.R.E., Joyner, M., George, R. and Cotton, P.A.,. (2016). Understanding the gender and ethnicity attainment gap in UK higher education. Innovations in education and teaching international, 53(5), pp.475-486.
This paper was important to include as it contains much on the statistics and data around attainment and attainment gaps in HE in the UK. I will use this paper to provide some statistical information in my presentation.
University Of Sheffield,. (2019). Widening Participation Information Resources. The Ethnicity Attainment Gap: Literature Review. [Online] Available at:
https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/polopoly_fs/1.661523!/file/BME_Attainment_Gap_Literature_Review_EXTERNAL_-_Miriam_Miller.pdf [Accessed 21.10.19]
This report gives an in depth review of existing literature surrounding the Ethnicity Attainment gap in the UK. It specifically focuses on the different factors of the differentials in levels of attainment indicated across the literature reviewed. This report will be critical to building my knowledge of my specific contemporary issue as it focuses on ethnic minority students.
Anonymous,. (2019) The Black Attainment Gap. [Online] Available from: https://www.nus.org.uk/en/take-action/education/black-attainment-gap/ [Accessed 21/10/2019]
This resource is a video explanation of the ‘Black Attainment Gap”. I will explore whether to include this in the presentation.
Anonymous,. (2019). Why is the BME attainment gap such a wicked problem? [Online] Available from: http://shura.shu.ac.uk/16212/10/Austen%20Why%20is%20the%20BME%20attainment%20gap%20such%20a%20wicked%20problem.pdf [Accessed 21/10/2019]
Although I am yet to explore this paper, the language used in its title caught my attention. No other piece of literature has evidenced any sort of emotion in its title like this one has.
BUKODI, E. (2017). Cumulative Inequalities over the Life-Course: Life-long Learning and Social Mobility in Britain. Journal of Social Policy, 46(2), 367-404.
“This paper examines the possibility that life-long learning promotes intergenerational class mobility”, through understanding the role of education on the success of social mobility we see the impact of the HE ethnicity attainment gap on life.
JOHNSON-BAILEY, J. et al. (2008) Lean on Me: The Support Experiences of Black Graduate Students. The Journal of Negro Education, 77 (4), pp. 365-381 [Online] Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25608705?read-now=1&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents [Accessed 21.10.19]
This study explores the University experience of Black Students and Graduates in higher education. Although this study was conducted in America, the experience is echoed in the UK. “The students collectively told stories of isolation, exclusion, and survival” (Johnson-Bailey, 2008. Pg.365).
This study also discusses the issue of upward social mobility relating to the barriers that exist when it comes to the HE experiences for Black students.
SEDLACEK, W.E. (1987) Black Students on White Campuses: 20 Years of Research. Journal of College Student Personnel, 28 (6), pp. 484. [Online] Available at: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= [Accessed 21.10.19]
TUITT, F. (2012) Black Like Me: Graduate Students’ Perceptions of their Pedagogical Experiences in Classes Taught by Black Faculty in a Predominantly White Institution. Journal of Black Studies, 43 (2), pp. 186-206. [Online] Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/23215206?read-now=1&refreqid=excelsior%3A3add0958cf794d663ad797554c2cd85b&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents [Accessed 21.10.19]
This is a study of 10 Black graduates in the US and how learning in the “racialized context of a predominantly White institution” impacted them. Interestingly, the study uses Critical Race Theory as a framework.
Loo, C.M. and Rolison, G., 1986. Alienation of ethnic minority students at a predominantly White university. The journal of higher education, 57(1), pp.58-77. [Online] Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233896790_Alienation_of_Ethnic_Minority_Students_at_a_Predominantly_White_University [Accessed 21.10.19]
This is an evaluation of a survey conducted of minority and white undergraduate students at public universities in the US. The study finds that there is greater feelings of isolation in minority students, it then identifies actions to be taken to reduce and tackle the issues presented in the findings.
Davis, D.J., 2007. Access to academe: The importance of mentoring to Black students. Negro Educational Review, 58(3/4), p.217.
I have included this journal article in my annotated bibliography as it explores the importance of mentoring for Black students in education. I felt that these explanations of the effects and impact of mentoring to Black students could relate to the work that Youth and Community Workers seek to practice.
JACOBI, M. (1991) Mentoring and Undergraduate Academic Success: A Literature Review. Review of Educational Research, 61 (4), pp. 505-532.
This journal article provides a review of existing literature of the impact and importance of mentoring in Higher Education. It focuses greatly on the link between mentoring and academic success for undergraduates.