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Building Matrices

This is a two-step assignment. The first step is to create a matrix from the Castner article. The purpose of
creating a matrix of a research article is to help you organize your thoughts and to get you started into the
process of critique. Just because an article is published does not mean it is appropriate for your
consideration for your particular project. You need to be able to evaluate the published work based on the
quality of the research design and on the merit for your question. The matrix is much like a
comprehensive note card that should contain the basic information of the research. You are creating a
shortcut version of the key elements of the article for your future use.
The second step is to complete a sample chart using the Crane article and three other articles of the
group’s choosing. The purpose of this step is to help you identify the statistics used within a study and to
discern if it’s the appropriate choice. If it’s not the appropriate choice, you will evaluate what could
improve the statistical analysis.
Coordinate and lead the discussion on the following:
Step 1
As a small group, create one group matrix from the Castner, Ceravolo, Foltz-Ramos & Yow-Wu (Links to
an external site.) article.
The matrix is typically about two pages in length, with landscape orientation. Not every row will be equal
in length.
Using the Matrix Template (Word) (Links to an external site.), answer all questions in the matrix table. It
is not necessary to add a reference page. However, a title page in APA format is required. Be thorough in
your work. This will help you as you write your literature review.
Please review the Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Research Methods (Links to an external
site.)PowerPoint to help you understand the metrics used in this study and to prepare you to create your
own matrix next week.
Step 2
Using the statistical information from your readings and the Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative
Research Methods (PDF) PPT that you reviewed in Step 1, have three members of the group provide one
of the articles they are planning to use for the literature review and analyze the statistics used in each
Was each statistic appropriate based on the level of measurement?
What could improve the statistical analysis of each study?
For the fourth reading use the required reading from week six Crane, M. M., LaRose, J. G., Espeland, M.
A., Wing, R. R., & Tate, D. F. (2016). Recruitment of young adults for weight gain prevention:
Randomized comparison of direct mail strategies (PDF) (Links to an external site.). Trials,17(1), 282.
The results of your group’s discussion may be placed in the following chart.
Sample Chart
Topic Author Author Author Author
Identification of statistics
Selection of appropriate statistic
Improvements for selection of statistic
Note Taker


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