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Business Organisations in a Global Context

Unit 5.2 Business Organisations in a Global Context

Level 5 15 Credits

Sample Assignment

Related qualifications
• ATHE Level 5 Certificate in Management (RQF)
• ATHE Level 5 Diploma in Management (RQF)
• ATHE Level 5 Extended Diploma in Management (RQF)


You have been successful in gaining an internship with a well-known consultancy business called Greenfield. There was stiff competition for the post due to the national reputation of the consultancy and the indication that the internship may lead to full time employment. You are determined to do well.

Your line manager is an experienced consultant in the field of Business Operations and has been invited as a speaker at a 2-day Global Trade Conference. This is an event where organisations interested in expanding their business into new markets will be seeking information and advice on undertaking business in a global environment. As part of your internship you will accompany your line manager to the event. She has asked you to help her with the preparation for the presentation.

Activity 1

She has asked you to prepare a draft presentation for delegates at the conference, so they can understand the key differences between global business operations. There are likely to be over 50 delegates present so the style of your presentation will need to take account of this. You decide to start the task by preparing some detailed notes in preparation for producing the presentation. Your line manager agrees with this proposal and has asked you to submit the notes to her, along with the presentation.

The notes and your draft presentation should cover the following points on global business operations:

• an analysis of the key differences between organisations working in different sectors, industries and contexts
• an assessment of the responsibilities of organisations operating globally
• an evaluation of strategies employed by organisations operating globally.

LO1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Activity 2

In addition to the presentation you have been asked to provide each conference delegate with a handout of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that shed light on the significant economic and political factors impacting on organisations. Your handout should be set out as a series of questions and answers, covering the following:

• an analysis of how the performance of a national economy impacts on the activities of business organisations
• an explanation of the measures taken by governments to influence the activities of business organisations.

LO2, assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2

Activity 3

At the conference, your line manager is approached by the Chief Executive of an organisation representing local businesses. The Chief Executive has asked Greenfield to produce a booklet which his members would use as an example of the types of issues impacting on business activities in a named country. Your line manager wishes to involve you in the preparation of the booklet and has asked you to:

• carry out a review of the global environment in which businesses are currently operating in the named country
• propose strategies to address issues affecting business activities in this country.

LO4, assessment criteria 4.1, 4.2

Activity 4

At the end of the conference, the organisers of the event ask Greenfield to write an article for their in-house magazine ‘Global Business News’. The purpose of the article is to provide an exposition of the significant issues coming out of the conference and in particular the impact of global factors on business organisations. Your line manager asks you to produce a draft for her to consider. The article should cover the following:

• an explanation of the implications of global integration on business organisations
• an assessment of the effect of international trade on domestic products and services
• a review of the impact of the global economy on businesses
• an assessment of how ICT technologies have facilitated globalisation

LO3, assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3,4

Guideline for assessors

The assignment submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. The suggested evidence below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standard.

Activity number Learning outcomes and assessment criteria Suggested evidence

1 LO1
AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 The learner must produce an informative presentation on Powerpoint or similar presentation software. This should be accompanied by a set of notes which demonstrates the learner’s understanding of key differences between global business operations.

The presentation and notes should clearly analyse, using a wide range of examples of the sectors in which organisations function. In addition the analysis must also consider the key differences between a range of organisations in terms of nature, scale, structure and legal status. Examples of each of the different types of business operation should be drawn from local, national and international dimensions and the differences between organisations, in these contexts should be clearly highlighted.

The presentation and notes should also assess the responsibilities that organisations have to a range of stakeholders, providing specific examples of stakeholder needs and possible conflicts between different stakeholders. Examples of organizational stakeholders and different needs should be drawn from an international perspective and learners must consider the ethical issues surrounding global business operations.

The learner should also evaluate key functional strategies and how these strategies should take account of global differences. For example, how an organisation’s human resource policies may be shaped by global cultural, legal and ethical differences between nations.
2 LO2
AC 2.1, 2.2 The learner must provide a hand out in the style of a set of FAQs (frequently asked questions) to accompany the presentation, which underpins their understanding of the impact of external factors on organisations. The evidence provided by the learner should be comprehensive but also focus on the performance of an identified national economy and how this impacts on business organisations. The FAQs should examine key economic and political influences within the contemporary business climate that shape an organisation’s operations. An explanation of terminology (e.g. GNP, inflation rates, national debt, fiscal and monetary policy) should be part of the FAQs.
3 LO4
AC 4.1, 4.2 In the work for the booklet, the learner must state the named country. The contents of the booklet will focus on a review and a possible tool which could be used is PESTLE. The review should consider a range of information and examples should be used to illustrate how the environment is impacting on different organisations, both favourably and unfavourably. The review must identify the issues which organisations are facing. The learner will then need to produce realistic strategies to address the identified issues and these should be fully explained.
4 LO3
AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 The learner must produce a draft of a trade journal article in an appropriate format. The article should be aimed at business owners and managers. The article should focus on a review of the key issues for businesses operating internationally, i.e. globalization, the increase in multi-national corporations (MNCs), international trade policies and agreements, developments in ICT which change the nature of time and distance, and explain the impact of these issues on businesses (e.g. increased competition, consumer choice and the need for market innovation). The learner work must identify strategies to address the issues raised in the review.


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