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Capstone Project Change Proposal

Literature Evaluation Table

Author Note

Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and
Permalink or Working Link to Access Article Kumbar L.,
Soi V.,
Adams E.,
Deacon C.,
Zidan M., & Yee J.
Hemodialysis International. Retrieved from
Luehr A. Nephrology Nursing Journal: Journal of the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association. Retrieved from
Gottlieb M., Sundaram T., Holladay D., & Nakitende D. The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. Retrieved from
Xia R., Sun X., Bai X., Yubin Z., Shi J., & Jin Y. Medicine. Retrieved from

Article Title and Year of Publication
Coronal mode ultrasound guided hemodialysis cannulation: A pilot randomized comparison with standard cannulation technique. 2017. Use of ultrasound guidance during cannulation of arteriovenous fistulas or arteriovenous grafts. 2018. Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous line placement: A narrative review of evidence-based best practices. 2017. Efficacy and safety of ultrasound-guided cannulation via the right brachiocephalic vein in adult patients. 2018.
Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study
To test the safety of ultrasound guided hemodialysis cannulation compared to standard cannulation techniques. / Hypothesis – Ultrasound guided cannulation is safer than standard cannulation techniques. Purposes of the study were to determine if ultrasound-guided cannulation of AVF/AVG decreased the quantity of missed cannulations, to discover staff and patient perceptions about cannulation and to put into action a quality-improvement project (QIP). The aim of the paper was to provide an evidence-based discussion of preparation for the procedure, vein and catheter selection and multiple techniques for placement. The purpose of the study was the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of US-guided supraclavicular right brachiocephalic vein (BVC) cannulations in adult patients.
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)
Quantitative prospective pilot study – Comparative experiment Quantitative analysis Qualitative narrative review Quantitative retrospective analysis
Patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) Electronic health records of patients 65 articles from PubMed 428 adult patients requiring CVC insertions
Methods: Intervention/Instruments
Experimental intervention – Patient with new arteriovenous fistula received standard cannulation (control group) or image guidance with the use of coronal mode ultrasound device –CMUD – (study group). Quantitative analysis of 53 electronic health records; Likert scale surveys in patients and staff to determine the level of familiarity with ultrasound-guided cannulations. Qualitative review and analysis of primary sources Qualitative analysis of the medical records
End points of the ultrasound characteristics of vascular access, cannulation practices, and complications were obtained. Results of the study were in accordance with the hypothesis. The study determined the number of missed cannulations in relation to purchase and availability of a bedside ultrasound machine and implementation of QIP. The study provided the review of existing scientific sources about ultrasound-guided PIV placement. The study evaluated the clinical significance, safety, and effectiveness of ultrasound-guided BCV cannulations through existing medical records.
Key Findings
Handheld ultrasound is a safe and useful aid in cannulation of dialysis access. HER data showed a 53% reduction in the number of missed cannulations after the purchase of an ultrasound machine and using ultrasound-guided cannulation. The review explained the profitability, effectiveness, and the problems of access to ultrasound machines. According to reviewed medical records, ultrasound-guided cannulation is a safe and efficient method.
– Further research needed to determine if ultrasound-guided cannulation is the best practice technique. Development of the new strategies and troubleshooting techniques for future ultrasound-guided PIV attempts. –
Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone Project
The article refers to the main significant point of PICOT statement. It discerns with the use of experimental method whether ultrasound-guided cannulation can be an efficient successor of standard cannulation techniques. The content of the article relates to the theme of profitability of ultrasound-guided cannulation. The study analyzes the knowledge about the ultrasound-guided cannulation throughout various studies and evidence-based practices. The research probes the safety and efficiency of the technique, which was chosen as a potential solution for CVC complications.

Criteria Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 8
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and
Permalink or Working Link to Access Article
Yildar M., Gurbuz O., Kumpete G., Basbug M., & Toprak O. Medical Science and Discovery. Retrieved from
Loon F., Buise M., Claassen J., Dierick-van Daele A., & Bouwman A. British Journal of Anesthesia. Retrieved from
Brigid S. Flynn & Mensch J. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. Retrieved from
Blanco P. The Ultrasound Journal. Retrieved from

Article Title and Year Published
Ultrasound-guided cannulation in placement of hemodialysis access catheters in pre-dialysis patients. 2014. Comparison of ultrasound guidance with palpation and direct visualization for peripheral vein cannulation in adult patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2018. Best practice and ultrasound-guided internal jugular vein cannulation: The debate echoes on. 2019. Ultrasound-guided peripheral venous cannulation in critically ill patients: a practical guideline. 2019.
Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect on outcomes of ultrasound-guided techniques used in patients with hemodialysis. The objective of the study was to compare ultrasound guidance with the traditional approach of palpation and direct visualization for peripheral vein cannulation. The aim of the study was to perform a randomized trial with the addition of the comparison of LA approach with the PWP and SAX techniques. The aim of the paper is to describe the process of ultrasound-guided cannulation, identify potential complications in the process, and provide useful tips and advice for the minimization of mistakes.
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)
Quantitative retrospective study Quantitative analysis Quantitative, prospective, observational study Qualitative and descriptive analysis of the medical procedure
59 patients with pre-dialysis renal failure, who were undergoing ultrasound-guided hemodialysis catheter placement. The results of the primary sources from various databases (PubMed, Clinical Key, etc.) 8 studies – 1660 patients. Patients with dialysis –
Methods: Intervention/Instruments
Retrospective evaluation Random-effect meta-analysis Retrospective evaluation –
The study analyzes the data derived from 28 male and 31 female patients. It tries to discern the effects of the ultrasound-guided cannulations on patients and on the course of treatment. Database search was performed on Clinical Key, PubMed, Trip, and Cochrane Library of Clinical Trials. The authors conducted random-effect meta-analysis to determine the collected odds ratio for success in peripheral cannulation. The paper examines the development of ultrasound-guided technology in medicine and compares various methods in terms of safety and success. In the text, several practical issues, related to peripheral venous cannulation and ultrasound-guided cannulations, are described.
Key Findings
The use of USG in real time and also for vascular mapping in patients with pre-dialysis renal failure shows similar results in terms of complication and success rates. Thus, there is no difference between real time use and vascular mapping use. The success rate in the ultrasound group was 81%, in the control group the same indicator equaled 70%. Moreover, ultrasound-guided technique reduced the number of punctures and time needed to achieve i.v. success and increase patient satisfaction level. LA approach has a similar success rate with SAX-LA approach without increased risks of PWP. Ultrasound-guided cannulation has demonstrated a high success rate, especially in patients with difficult intravenous access.
– The necessity of further research on the main topic. – –
Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone
Significant authenticity of the theme of discussion provided for testing the safety and treatment effects of ultrasound-guided cannulations. The paper investigates the safety and successful use of ultrasound-guided technology compared to standard procedures. The study examines various methods of ultrasound-guided cannulation and makes a comparison in terms of success and safety. The paper probes into the procedure of ultrasound-guided cannulation and gives the profound explanation of the process.

Blanco, P. (2019). Ultrasound-guided peripheral venous cannulation in critically ill patients: a practical guideline. The Ultrasound Journal.
Brigid, S. F., & & Mensch, J. (2019). Best practice and ultrasound-guided internal jugular vein cannulation: The debate echoes on. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia.
Gottlieb, M., Sundaram, T., D, H., & & Nakitende, D. (2017). Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous line placement: A narrative review of evidence-based best practices. The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Kombar, L., Soi, V., Adams, E., Deacon, C., & Zidan, M. &. (2017). Coronal Mode Ultrasound Guided Hemodialysis Cannulation: A pilot randomized comparison with standard cannulation technique. Hemodialysis International.
Loon, F., Buise, M., Claassen, J., Diereck-van Daele, A., & & Bouwman, A. (2018). Comparison of ultrasound guidance with palpation and direct visualization for peripheral vein cannulation in adult patients: A Systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Anesthesia.
Luehr, A. (2018). Use of ultrasound guidance during cannulation of arteriovenous fistulas or arteriovenous grafts. Nephrology Nursing Journal: Journal of the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association.
Xia, R., Sun, X., Bai, X., Yubin, Z., Shi, J., & & Jin, Y. (2018). Efficacy and Safety of Ultrasound-guided cannulation via the right brachiocephalic vein in adult patients. Medicine.
Yildar, M., Gurbuz, O., Kumpete, G., Bashug, M., & & Toprak, O. (2014). Ultrasound-guided cannulation in placement of hemodialysis access catheters in pre-dialysis patients. Medicine Science and Discovery.


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