Your case study this week examines the rise of cities in eighteenth-century America through a series of first-hand accounts and visual images Again, your case study provides an introduction to the materials and then links to various primary sources.
Link to Case Study: http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/becomingamer/growth/text2/text2read.htm
You will again be discussing the case study in a small group.
In your small group, you should consider the following questions:
Overall, what impressions do you get from these readings of the four coastal cities in the 1700s?
What functions do the cities serve for the colonies? for England? for the empire?
Describe the cities’ religious, ethnic and economic diversity. How do the observers describe and respond to this diversity?
How do recent immigrants’ descriptions differ from other settlers’?
Compare the four colonial coastal cities. In which would you choose to live in 1750? Why?
Post initial response by Thursday at 11:50 PM
Post responses to at least two classmates by Friday at 11:50 PM
Grading: Your discussion will be graded based on your level of participation (each of you should initiate at least one post and reply to at least two posts), but also the quality of your postings. The best postings are clear and well-written, make direct reference to the readings and primary sources, and help to open discussion with other classmates.
Each discussion is worth 4 points. You will get 1 point for your initial post and 1 point for your two replies. If your initial post and replies meet the expectations for quality as defined above, your post will receive up to an additional two points.