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Church History

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Eucharist Miracles in History
Table of Contents
1. Introduction with an overview of the Italian Eucharistic miracles
2. The Eucharist miracle of Bolsena.
2.1 A recount of events that led to the unfolding of the Eucharist miracle of Bolsena.
2.2 The effects of the 1263 Eucharist miracle of Bolsena on the Bolsena church and the overall region of Bolsena.
2.3 The effects of the Eucharist miracle of Bolsena on the Cathedral of Orvieto.
2.4 The impact of the miraculous linen and cloth stained with blood at the Cathedral of Orvieto on the faith of the Catholic pilgrims visiting the Cathedral.
2.5 The miracle of Bolsena and the increase of ransom fees at the Cathedral of Orvieto.
2.6 Why do pilgrims trip to the Cathedral of Orvieto to eulogize the events of the Eucharist miracle of Bolsena even when the real miracle took place at the Church of Bolsena Northwest Italy.
3. The Miracle of Lanciano.
3.1 The effects of the Miracle of Lanciano – 8th century San Francesco in Lanciano, Italy.
3.2 The effects of the Miracle of Lanciano on the Shrine of Lanciano.
3.3 The Miracle of Lanciano – the greatest Eucharist miracle in the Catholic Church.
3.4 The proves that the Lord truly exists in the Eucharist.
3.5 The influence on the custody of the Church of St. Basil and its relics.
3.6 The influences on the relics and the findings proving the process of transubstantiation.
3.7 The Miracle of Lanciano in strengthening of those who are week in faith.
4. The Eucharist Miracles of the world.
4.1 The incidence of Eucharist miracles as a tool of fortifying the catholic faith in the consecration of the Eucharist.
4.2 The cases and instances of Eucharist miracles the occurrence and the meaning embedded.
4.3 The role of Eucharist miracles, like the Miracles of Lanciano and Bolsena and others, in evidencing Jesus’ invocations at the last supper of the Transubstantiation.
4.4 Current mass celebrations of the Eucharist by Catholic Church and Jesus’ words.
4.5 The Eucharist miracles as reminder for the true presence of Christ through the blessed sacred to the Christian believers.
5. Northeast Italy as a home of the History of the Catholic Faith.
5.1 The Eucharist Miracle of Florence 1230-1595.
5.2 The Eucharist Miracle of Ferrara 1171.

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