Climate Zombies Research Activity
Watch the following video:
Slaying the “zombies” of climate science | Dr. Marshall Shepherd | TEDxAtlanta (Links to an external site.)
Choose one (1) of the zombie theories that Dr. Shepard discusses.
Research this theory and write a 250-500 word essay describing:
-what the zombie theory is
-what the actual science is related to this theory
-what data scientists have related to this thoery
You must use at least 2 references and they must be properly cited and included in a list of references/bibliography (reference style is your choice).
Here are some possible sites to find information:
http://www.ipcc.ch/ (Links to an external site.)
http://www.climate.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
http://climate.nasa.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/ (Links to an external site.)