Conflict is multifaceted problem that takes understanding its parts and how each individual approaches it such that you can make a constructive solution. This assignment requires you to assess a destructive conflict, your own conflict style, and how to appropriately resolve it.
Write a paper (1,000-1,500 words) doing the following:
Summarize a conflict you recently experienced for the factors that made it destructive in nature. Your discussion should utilize material from Chapters 1 (Objectives: Explain the nature of conflict. Describe different perspectives on conflict. Explain factors that lead to conflict within different contexts) & Chapter 2 (Objectives:
Explain the types of goals in conflict and how they overlap or relate to each other. Differentiate types of interests that can lead to conflict. Examine strategies for clarifying goals and collaboratively setting goals.)
Utilizing the conflict styles assessment on page 154, informally interview two persons close to you about their perceptions of your personal conflict style. Discuss the differences between your own and others’ perception of your style. Include both positive and negative of your style. ( The assessment is attached)
Reflecting on your destructive conflict, what other conflict style could you adopt to constructively resolve that conflict? This should include prescriptive behaviors that overcome the weaknesses or use the strengths to constructively resolve the situation.
This paper should include four additional academic sources that support your position. These are outside the textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.