Here, you are expected to write a brief cogent and coherent essay that addresses the single word that is the title: “Ecofascism”. First, you must read the following articles: 1968 HARDIN “The Tragedy of the Commons” 1974 HARDIN “Living on a lifeboat” 2019 DYETT “Overpopulation discourse: Patriarchy, racism and the specter of ecofascism” Additionally, it would be very useful if you took a close look at the following readings: 2012 AUFRECHT “Rethinking ‘Greening of Hate’: Climate emissions, immigration, and the last frontier” 2013 LOCKER “Cold War pastures: Garrett Hardin and the Tragedy of the Commons” http://theconversation.com/white-nationalists-extreme-solution-to-the-comingenvironmental-apocalypse-121532 Of course, everything we read for this course can be useful in one way or another, especially to help frame and contextualize your response. If you would like to use peer-reviewed literature, you can do so if you cite appropriately, using one of the established formats (i.e. Chicago, APA, etc). However, this should be your personal thinking about the topic “Ecofascism”. The critical essay should be a brief 4-5 typed pages in length, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, using the 12-point Times New Roman font. Make sure that you carefully check the essay for spelling and grammatical errors, and that the finished product is polished and represents your absolutely best effort.