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Effects of Child Abuse on Development

TOPIC: Effects of Child Abuse on Development

1) Wyatt, G. E. E., & Powell, G. J. E. (1988). Lasting effects of child sexual abuse. Sage Publications, Inc.
2) Pollak, S. D., Cicchetti, D., Hornung, K., & Reed, A. (2000). Recognizing emotion in faces: developmental effects of child abuse and neglect. Developmental psychology, 36(5), 679.

– These two articles highlight how child abuse can have lasting effects on your emotional development.

3) Augoustinos, M. (1987). Developmental effects of child abuse: Recent findings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 11(1), 15-27.

– This article takes into consideration not only the deterministic variables like the environment but also individual characteristics of the child as well.

4) Allen, R. E., & Oliver, J. M. (1982). The effects of child maltreatment on language development. Child abuse & neglect, 6(3), 299-305.

– This article talks about the effects of abuse, negligence and interaction separately.

5) Toro, P. A. (1982). Developmental effects of child abuse: A review. Child Abuse & Neglect, 6(4), 423-431.
– This article has discussed weaknesses in previous studies regarding sexual abuse in childhood and mentioned how they can be improved.


-. Introduction (4 – 5 pages)
– Method (will vary)
-. Expected Results (~1 page)
– References (~1 page)
– Ethics Documents
Who, What & How:
Who will be tested – Participants
 
What you will use to test them – Materials
How they will be tested (in a step-by-step fashion) –
Enough detail for replication.

You will start the proposal with an introduction. major part of your introduction section which should be a review of the relevant literature. This document above has 5 research articles which you have to go through in order to highlight the weaknesses in these studies. You will give little summaries of the articles and then highlight their weaknesses. You will then use the weaknesses in these studies to ensure that the research proposal you are generating now doesn’t have any of these issues mentioned above. The generating of the research proposal which is after the introduction should be in present tense. You need to figure out the order in which you will discuss various aspects of the studies and how you will provide an integrative summary of the material. . Note that you don’t want to simply write the introduction section of your essay by describing each of the five relevant articles one after another in identical summary form, but instead you want to provide a new organizational framework for integrating the content from each that highlights a gap in the literature that you plan to fill with your research proposal. You want to emphasize the aspects of previously conducted work that you plan to build on and extend with your proposed research strategy and design. When writing your research report this will be the material you include in all but the first and last couple paragraphs of your introduction.

The study DOESNT have to be a case study. It could be any research design. However, the research design should be specified and described in good detail. THESE TWO LINKS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. THEY WILL HELP U UNDERSTAND WHAT TO WRITE. <-- THIS ONE TOO. You have to design an original research proposal . Study design can be either: correlational (relationship between two variables) or an experiment with 2-3 groups (subjects/participants randomly assigned; group means compared). The study needs to have hypothesis, independent variable and the dependent variable method, participant and results in full detail. In the end you should have an ethics document. You should have an independent variable and a dependent variableYou should specify your hypothesis which should be related to effects of child abuse in development so it should be like "Children who have suffered child abuse in childhood are likely to have emotional, behavioural or cognitive developmental problems" . After this you will select your research design which is the type of study you would conduct. Can be a field experiment or quasi experimental or any other you find suitable. Then you will state your sample size which is the participants. You need to have a representative sample so equal number of boys and girls with a diverse background and from different cities and if possible countries. They should be of different socio economic background and all should have different family structures. Some should have nuclear families the other might come from divorced families. You should have an idea that the research proposal should have a representative sample. The method of assesing their developmental abilities include intelligent tests, tests like : Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence for children aged three to seven years with norms for 17 age groups at three-month intervals Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Differential Ability Scales (DAS), for measuring overall cognitive ability and specific abilities in children aged two years and six months to seventeen years and eleven months Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale for ages two years to adult, for scoring verbal reasoning, abstract and visual reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and short-term memory and yielding a composite score with a mean of 100 You could use some of the tests above to measure the development and you can specify what the results are in the results section. You can use any other assessment method if you want. You need to write how many boys or girls showed what result. This is a must and very important. You can make up the results yourself according to the tests administered. Along with these scientific tests, you can also check the students high school records and compare them with control groups (children with no history of child abuse) and measure the development. . In this study we need to show that the development of children has been measured to support our hypothesis. In the results section, you will high light your findings. You will highlight if the study is high in validity and reliability. you will evaluate the study with its strengths and weaknesses.


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