A cross-cultural analysis: Are trade labor unions economically beneficial or detrimental to a nation?
(please compare 3-4 difference cultures)
Coursework requirements
Assessment for the module is 100% coursework, comprising a written essay of up to 5,000 words on a topic of the student’s own choosing.
The table below indicates the assessment criteria and what is expected in each of these criteria. The pass requirement for this module is 50 marks in total.
Assessment criterion
Marks available
Structure and clarity of expression
Topic/research question is fully explained and contextualised within an appreciation of Employment Relations theory and parctice. The essay demonstrates a systematic approach to the topic/research question. Evidence cited is relevant to the topic/research question, and the argument of the essay is coherent. Conclusions are clear, with appropriate support and caveats. 25
Evidence of wide reading and research
The range of sources cited makes full use of the module reading list for the relevant topics. Explanations of Employment Relations theory and practice show evidence of independent research beyond materials presented in the module seminars. Academic, practitioner and generalist sources are used appropriately in articulating the essay’s claims and arguments.
Evidence of learning from seminar topics
The essay topic/research question is oriented to one or more specific topics from the module teaching schedule. The essay demonstrates a critical appraisal of the relevant topics, going beyond description to analyse and evaluate Employment Relations approaches in different countries/regions.
Presentation, including bibiography
Presentation is clear and makes the essay easy to read. Headings and sub-headings are used effectively to signpost the reader. Bibliography and referencing in standard LSBU Harvard format.