Critically evaluate theoretical and conceptual perspectives of equality and diversity. 2. Apply knowledge
and understanding of equality and diversity issues in the workplace. You should prepare an essay (3000-
word maximum) that answers ONE of the following six questions. Your essay should cover the main
theoretical positions relevant to the issue, include a wide range of correctly referenced academic research
and policy evidence relevant to the argument you are putting forward, and provide a reasoned, wellargued conclusion that sums up your answer to the question as set. As befits work of a Level 6 standard,
we are looking for well evidenced critique and not poorly substantiated assertion. Popular sources from
Internet sites and ‘opinion’ statements are not what is required and will be penalized. You are advised to
write using correct, precise terminology to maximize the ‘professional impact’ and persuasiveness of your
writing. A detailed sheet of additional essay guidance for assignment 2 is available below