Write an in-depth critique of one Ethical Leadership-related article. The article will be taken from a scholarly
reviewed source in the last five years, i.e. journal, authored/edited book, either hard copy or electronic
version accessed from an accredited source (google scholar, etc.). Your own opinion of the article is critical
and NOT a summary of the article. Additionally, a 3-4-page report (cover page and reference page not
included in the count), double spaced 12-font paper discussing the article as it relates to the course objectives
and outcomes, as well as the student’s analysis will be submitted with a copy of the article. It is important to
INCLUDE an electronic copy of the article with the report. APA format is required. Reference page: You
will submit the one Ethical Leadership-related article in addition to your textbook (“Meeting the Ethical
Challenges of Leadership: Casting light or Shadow”, Sixth Edition, Craig E. Johnson) for a total of 2
Course objectives and outcomes:
• Define and identify the tenants of ethical leadership
• Identify and exercise ethical decision making in the context of leadership
• Assess the ethical climate of an organization
• Characterize appropriate responses to ethical crises.