Based on the ethics codes of professional bodies such as the American Psychological Association or the British Psychological Society, write a 1500-word paper to evaluate one of the following experiments.

 Milgram’s Obedience Experiment
 Stanford Prison Experiment
 Monster Study─Stuttering Experiment
 Harry Harlow’s “Total Social Isolation in Monkeys” Experiment


1. Format you term paper in a WORD file which is to be uploaded via Moodle Turnitin by 11:55 pm, 27 April 2020.

2. The file name should be in the format of “Student’s Full Name_Ethics Term Paper.docx”

3. If for some reason (e.g., delayed submission) you cannot upload the file via Moodle, you may email the file to the lecturer at

4. The word count of the term paper should be in the range of 1350 to 1650 (i.e., ± 10% variations in the assigned word count are allowed).

5. The maximum score of the term paper is 100 marks. Ten marks will be deducted per day of delay in the submission of the term paper.


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