DISSERTATION in Events Management
1. Title page
2. Contents Page
3. Abstract
4. Introduction
5. Literature review
6. Statement of research question
7. Methodology
8. Findings
9. Analysis/Discussion
10. Conclusions
11. Recommendations
12. References
13. Appendices
Use appropriate academic style, language, third person narrative. British English is important! This is a UK based dissertation.
1. Complete a dissertation of 10,000 words based on secondary and/or primary research
2. Define and analyse a complex business problem, integrating academic knowledge with practical application. (in events management)
3. Critically assess theoretical concepts, methodologies, sources of data and personal practice and use these to formulate an appropriate research design
4. Draw conclusions from data gathered and present them in a meaningful way to lend insight into the discipline under investigation. Develop recommendations that stem logically from the investigation.
Dissertation: Presentation and Format
Write 10000 words (+ or – 10%). The word count includes everything that is in the main body of the text (after the list of tables and figures). This means that it:
Does include- the references in the text, all tables and figures in the text
Does not include –appendices, list of references and acknowledgements.
Appendices should only contain supporting material such as details of survey methods, case studies, numerical data, transcripts, mathematical workings. Appendices must not contain material that extends the subject matter of the study. You are required to include at least one transcript of interviews/focus groups in your appendix if you used this method.
The dissertation must be word-processed with one and a half or double line-spaced (except for extended quotations, which should be single-spaced and indented in in italics with page numbers) on A4 size and all pages must be clearly numbered in the bottom right hand corner.
Style Guide
Word Limit
Line spacing Font (main text)
Page numbers
Structure and Content
10,000 words (+ or – 10%)
One and a half or double line spacing 12 point* Times New Roman/Arial/Helvetica
Bottom right hand corner
1. A title
page giving:
The title of the dissertation, which should give a clear indication of the content
Your name
The words “University of ——–”
The words “BA (Hons) (your programme e.g. and the month and year of submission. Word count
2. A content page listing the page number of all sections/chapters in the dissertation
3. A list of tables and list of figures if applicable
4. An acknowledgements/dedication page – please ensure that you use appropriate titles for your supervisor.
5. An abstract of approximately 250-500 words outlining the main arguments and summarising the results of the dissertation
Content: The nature of the content may vary depending upon the individual study. However, most dissertations follow the following format – please discuss with your supervisor in more detail as different paradigms may implicate different layouts
• Abstract
• Introduction chapter [which includes a clear statement of the research problem, research aims & objectives/hypothesis research questions]
• Literature Review chapter;
• Methodology Chapter;
• Results
• Analysis and Discussion of Results
• Conclusions and implications for theory and/or policy and recommendations.
• References (in Harvard style.)
• Appendices including signed declaration form
Do not copy any materials you use word for word unless you identify these sections clearly as quotations. If you paraphrase any materials, you must identify the materials’ sources through in-text referencing.
Grading Criteria
Receiving the highest grade the paper needs to:
• Must be clearly and thoroughly referenced, based on a clear understanding of the literature. The reference and/or bibliography will include extensive references from the specialist literature relevant to the research questions or hypothesis. It should go well beyond standard texts and be formatted using recommended style
• Student will demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the research methodology used and an understanding of the limitations of the data gathered
• Research instruments will be clearly presented and require no modification before use in the field
• Clear and lucid with no obvious or significant omissions
• Demonstrates confidence in analysis and argument
• Flows logically from one section to another, reads well and is interesting
Literature review:
• A key part of your dissertation is the methodology and is NOT quite the same as ‘methods’.
• The methodology describes the broad philosophical underpinning to your chosen research methods, including whether you are using qualitative or quantitative methods, or a mixture of both, and why.
• The ‘method’ refers particularly to ‘research methods.’ Research methods are the tools, processes, or ways by which researchers obtain data.
• The methodology should be linked back to the literature to explain why you are using certain methods, and the academic basis of your choice.
• The methodology should explain what you did, with any refinements that you made as your work progressed. Again, it should have a clear academic justification of all the choices that you made and be linked back to the literature.
If you need any more information about this, I can provide slides from my lectures.