2. Why Women Join Gangs
Women join gangs for multiple reasons influenced by life experiences that tend to stem from socio-economic backgrounds, a history of previous victimisation and abuse (O’Neal et al., 2014). Social factors also play a part in influencing women to join gangs; a dysfunctional upbringing within the family with a particular focus on those with delinquent parents, abuse within the home and a demand for power and respect within society (Tasca et al, cited in O’Neal et al,. 2014). Girls may resort to joining gangs for practicalities such as a need to make money and seeking a surrogate family (Sampson, 2019, p.44). Literature surrounding girls in gangs explores social factors of gang membership in great detail but fails to acknowledge that some women do not need to be vulnerable or come from a traumatic past to seek membership. Sometimes, women naturally enjoy thrill-seeking, risk-taking environments (Walklate, cited in Hesketh, 2019).
2.1 Individual Context
Young people often face struggles within their upbringing, whether it be underachieving at school or lacking self-esteem, the chance to be in a gang is idolised due to the status that comes with it (Sampson, 2019, p.45). There’s an emphasis within literature that due to misogynous attitudes, girls are influenced by wishing for power as it provides them with their own individual identity, free from male counterparts (Hayward and Honegger, 2014). Whilst it is appreciated that boys engage in gangs to establish meaningful connections, the need is greater for girls and young women due to severe low-self esteem influencing their desire to satisfy the need of belonging and status (Sampson, 2019, p.13). Individual factors such as a desire for power and respect offer some explanations for girls and young women joining gangs; there’s a much bigger focus within literature on practical concerns, such as money making, and childhood factors.
2.2 Practical Concerns
A key factor that leads girls and young women to joining gangs is the ability to make money as financial independence can provide women with validation.