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Global Marketing Management

Faculty of Business and Law



Assessment Instructions

Coursework title: Fentimans plan to launch their botanically brewed soft drinks into the Japanese market.

Assignment type: Individual Essay of 2500 words to be submitted online.

Although this is not a report, you are asked to use a report style of writing (i.e. breaking the text down into numbered sections and sub-sections) so that your evaluation is clearly signposted. If you are not clear what this means please ask your tutor. Tutor office hours and full resources and database information can be found on the module blackboard site.

Objectives / learning outcomes:
The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to develop and then demonstrate your awareness and understanding of relevant global marketing management issues by using material covered in the module and from your own research and reading. This will provide the basis for your analysis of the situation facing Fentimans as the company considers options for the global expansion of its range of botanically brewed soft drinks with specific consideration of a launch in the Japanese soft drinks market.

Your assignment will include an evaluation of the company’s core values, competences and sources of competitive advantage and their transferability and also factors to consider in assessing and evaluating the potential market opportunities and barriers in Japan.

Specific learning outcomes for the coursework assessment, as detailed in the module specification, are to enable you to:
• Demonstrate understanding of the marketing issues relevant to the development of an organisation’s international activities.
• Demonstrate understanding of how and why marketing strategies may need to be standardised or adapted and how they should be coordinated in international markets.
• Demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge to practical international marketing contexts.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges, complexities and nuances of operating in overseas markets by applying this to the analysis and problem solving requirement of international marketing cases and scenarios.
• Locate, extract, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information from multiple sources in the resolution of international marketing management problems.

Task: As part of the company’s globalisation strategy, Fentimans are keen to investigate the suitability of their range of botanically brewed soft drinks to launch into the Japanese soft drinks market. They have asked you to evaluate this opportunity for them and to prepare an analysis which considers the attractiveness of Japan and specifically the Japanese soft drinks market for a new entrant into this market. You have also been asked to analyse Fentimans relative competitive advantage and to consider critically whether the brand is likely to succeed in the Japanese market. You are required to carry out this analysis and then to make a justified recommendation as to the feasibility of the launch and the entry mode they should choose for a launch into the Japanese market.

Your evaluation should be structured in two parts to address the following tasks:

Part 1: 70%
Carry out detailed research and using relevant models and academic theory to provide a structure and substantiation for your views, analyse the suitability of the Japanese market for the launch of a range of Fentimans soft drinks.

Your analysis should use the Comrie and Hunt-Fraisse (2015) adaptation of the Walvoord (1980) Potential Market Assessment model introduced in lecture 2 as a structure for your answer. As such, you should divide this section into four parts covering the following:

1. Macro market analysis – PESTLE (Japan) 20%
2. Soft drinks market analysis (Japan) 20%

3. Fentimans competitive advantage relative to competitors in the Japanese soft drinks market using Porter’s (1985) Value Chain. Ensure you state clearly how Fentimans derive competitive advantage and to what extent this is sustainable. 20%
4. The fit of the Japanese market opportunity with Fentimans’ mission and capabilities and any further research required prior to launch. At this point you will recommend whether as a result of your analysis you feel the brand would be successful.) 10%

Part Two: 20%

Part two requires you to recommend and justify an entry mode for Fentimans in Japan. 20%

The final 10% will be for overall presentation, structure, spelling, grammar and referencing

Marking Criteria
The following criteria will be used in evaluating this assessment:

level PESTLE
analysis of the Japanese market
20% Analysis of Japanese soft drinks market
20% Analysis of Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage
20% Recommendation
The fit of the market opportunity
with Fentimans’ competences and capabilities.
for further research
10% Recommendation
and justification of an entry mode for Fentimans into the Japanese market
20% Standards of literacy, structure and presentation including referencing

90-100% Outstanding choice of which data to use and how.
Outstandingly thorough and rigorous analysis of the data.
18-20 marks Outstanding choice of which data to use and how.
Outstandingly thorough and rigorous analysis of the data
18-20 marks. Outstanding analysis of Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
18-20 marks Outstanding synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis to provide a rigorously justified recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
9-10 marks Outstanding recommendation and justification of the Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.

18-20 marks Highest standards of literacy and professional presentation, following the structure specified in the brief.
Outstanding use of external sources, referencing that conforms precisely to UWE Harvard requirements 9-10 marks

80-89% Exceptional choice of which data to use and how.
Exceptionally thorough and rigorous analysis of the data.
16-17 Marks Exceptional choice of which data to use and how.
Exceptionally thorough and rigorous analysis of the data.
16-17 Marks Exceptional
analysis of Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
16-17 marks Exceptional synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis to provide a rigorously justified recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
8 marks Exceptional recommendation and justification of the Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.
Highest standards of literacy and professional presentation, following the structure specified in the brief.
Exceptional use of external sources, referencing that conforms precisely to UWE Harvard requirements 8 marks
70-79% Excellent choice of which data to use and how. Excellent choice of which data to use and how. Excellent analysis of Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage Excellent synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis to provide a rigorously justified Excellent
recommendation and justification of the Fentimans entry mode into Excellent standards of literacy and professional presentation, following the structure specified

Excellent thorough and rigorous analysis of the data.
14-15 marks Excellent thorough and rigorous analysis of the data.
14-15 marks using Porter’s (1985) value chain
14-15 marks recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
7 marks the Japanese market. in the brief.
Excellent use of external sources, referencing that conforms precisely to UWE Harvard requirements 7 marks
Very good

60 -64%
Good Good/very good choice of which data to use and how.
Good/very good and systemic analysis of the data.
12-14 marks Good/very good choice of which data to use and how.
Good/very good and systemic analysis of the data.
12-14 marks Good/very good analysis of
Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
12-14 marks Good / very good synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis to provide a well justified recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
6 marks Good /very good recommendation and justification of the Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.
12-14 marks Very good / good standards of literacy and professional presentation, following the structure specified in the brief. Very good / good use of external sources, referencing that
conforms well to UWE Harvard requirements
6 marks


50-54% Adequate /competent choice of which data to use and how.
Adequate / competent methodical analysis of the data. Adequate /competent choice of which data to use and how.
Adequate / competent methodical analysis of the data. Adequate / competent analysis of Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain Adequate / competent synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis and broadly relevant recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research Adequate
recommendation and justification of the Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.
10-12 marks Adequate / competent standards of literacy and presentation, following the structure specified in the brief.
Adequate/competent use of external sources, referencing that conforms largely to UWE

Adequate 10 – 12 marks 10 – 12 marks 10-12 marks 5 marks Harvard requirements 5 marks

40 – 49% Weak choice of which data to use and how.
analysis of the data.
8-10 marks Weak choice of which data to use and how.
analysis of the data.
8-10 marks Weak
analysis of Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
8-10 marks Weak synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis and
superficial recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
4 marks Weak recommendation and limited justification of the Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.
8-10 marks Weak standards of literacy and l presentation, following the structure specified in the brief. weak use of external sources, referencing that conforms largely to UWE Harvard requirements
4 marks
35 – 39% Poor choice of which data to use and how.
Limited and superficial analysis of the data.
7 marks Poor choice of which data to use and how.
Limited and superficial analysis of the data.
7 marks Poor analysis of
Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
7 marks Poor synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis and superficial or inappropriate recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
3 marks Poor recommendation
and superficial or inappropriate justification of the Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.

7 marks Poor standards of literacy, presentation, and structure specified in the brief. Poor use of external sources, referencing that does not conform to UWE Harvard requirements
3 marks

FAIL Very little analysis or Very little analysis or Very little analysis of Very poor synthesis of the market Very poor recommendation Very poor standards of literacy,

Very poor
25-34% understanding of the data
5-6 marks understanding of the data
5-6 marks Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
5-6 marks analysis and
company analysis little attempt to develop recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
3 marks and little attempt
to justify the
Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.
5 – 6 marks presentation, and no clear structure Very poor use of external sources, referencing that does not conform to UWE Harvard requirements
3 marks
Extremely poor
15-24% Virtually no analysis or understanding of the data
3-4 marks Virtually no analysis or understanding of the data
3-4 marks Virtually no analysis of Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
3-4 marks Little attempt at synthesis of the market analysis and company analysis and recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research either weak or absent
2 marks Extremely poor recommendation and virtually no justification of the Fentimans entry mode into the Japanese market.
3 – 4 marks Extremely poor standards of literacy, presentation, and no structure.
References and source attribution largely absent.
2 marks

0 – 14% No analysis or understanding of the data. Clearly a partial submission
0-3 marks No analysis or understanding of the data. Clearly a partial submission
0-3 marks No analysis of
Fentimans’ relative competitive advantage using Porter’s (1985) value chain
0-3 marks Lacking synthesis of
the market analysis and company analysis and largely incoherent or no recommendation to the company and recommendations for future research
0-1 marks Extremely poor recommendation and no justification and lack of understanding of the possible entry mode for
Fentimans into the Japanese market.
0-3 marks Extremely poor standards of literacy, presentation and no clear structure. References and source attribution absent
0-1 marks

Formative feedback and Support Formative feedback
Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for your assignment. Your workshops are specifically designed to support you in preparing for your assignments and you are able to work on your coursework in the workshops and to gain feedback on your work in these sessions.

If you need help – arrange to meet module staff: (email for an appointment). See module handbook for staff details.

Further information about this assessment is available on the Blackboard site for this module under the assignments tab and includes: FAQs, briefing presentation with voiceover.


All work should be word processed in 12 point font Times New Roman or Arial and double spaced.

Please use the following file format(s) Microsoft word file with a .doc or .docx file extension.

Please ensure that you provide the following details on the first page of your coursework: • Student Number
• Module Name and Number • Word Count
• Coursework title: Fentimans plan to launch their botanically brewed soft drinks into the Japanese market.
Word Limit
The maximum word limit for this coursework is 2500
• This word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc.).
• The references, bibliography and footnotes (provided footnotes only include references) are NOT included in this word count.

• There is no direct penalty for exceeding the word count, but the marker WILL stop reading once the maximum word limit has been reached and nothing further will be taken into account in the allocation of marks.
You can view the UWE word count policy here:

Please adhere to the principles of good academic practice and ensure you reference all sources used when developing your assessment, using the UWE Harvard system. Failure to properly reference your work to original source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failure of the assessment or have more serious implications.

For further guidance on correct referencing go to:

Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found here:

For general guidance on how to avoid assessment offences see:

Instructions for submission
You must submit your assignment before the stated deadline by electronic submission through Blackboard. Notification that the electronic submission portal is open for your assignment is displayed (usually two weeks before the submission date) in the Coursework tab in myUWE, the Coursework tab in Blackboard and via an announcement in the Blackboard course.

Please ensure you allow sufficient time to upload your script, noting that the system becomes busier and slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure all your information is submitted at one attempt to avoid ‘overwriting’ your intended submission. Always check and retain your receipts.

Late submission in the 24 hours following the deadline will be accepted but the assignment mark will be capped at 40%. Submissions after 24 hours will not be accepted. For full guidance on online submission through Blackboard, see:

Submissions of coursework by any other method (including a paper copy, on disk or by email) are NOT permissible for this module unless specifically agreed in advance of the submission date.

Before submitting your work, please ensure that:

• You have proof read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately
• You have addressed all the required elements of the assessment
• You have referenced in accordance with the guidance provided
• You have addressed each of the marking criterion
• The submission is in the correct format
Final feedback and marks release
Students will normally receive marks and feedback on their submission within 20 working days of the submission deadline (not including any public holidays or university closure days). Any delay in returning students’ work will be communicated by the module leader via Blackboard.

Please note feedback can take many forms and can be summative (provided for work completed) or formative (provided for on-going work or activities). Feedback on this module is not limited to the written comments you will receive on individual written assessment submissions. The workshop sessions leading up to the submission date allow students to rehearse their approach using a different company in the Japanese market. Formative feedback will be received on student contributions to these workshops. Furthermore, there is a workshop dedicated to the coursework where students will have the opportunity to discuss their progress. The module team will also attend the MET café close to the submission date to discuss any queries and all tutors on the module will have office hours where students can book a short appointment to discuss their work.

Feedback and marks for this module will be available by 20th April 2019

For further guidance on feedback, please refer to the module handbook.

Further Guidance and Support
General guidance on study skills: is available at:

Support from the FBL Academic Success Centre:

Guidance on UWE assessment regulations and terminology:

Guidance on using the library:

Personal Circumstances
If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to unexpected circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), you should seek advice from a Student Support Adviser at the earliest opportunity.

Please note the module leader cannot grant personal circumstances or extensions.

Appointments with a student adviser can be made via an Information Point or online at:

The Student Support Adviser will advise as to whether you should submit an application for ‘Personal Circumstances (PCs)’, how to do so and what evidence is required to support the application.

Further details on ECs can be found here:


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