High degree of Homology and Parallelism of Electromagnetism and Gravitomagnetism derived from
General Relativity
Please write a review about the high degree of Homology and Parallels of the Equations of
Electromagnetism following from the Maxwell Theory and the first linear approximation of the Einsteinian
Field Equations of General Relativity leading to Gravitomagnetism. Please use only as few equations as
possible. The review needs 20 references and a reference list at the end. The review needs to be short and
only 4 pages long.
Gravitomagnetism describes the effects of gravity on moving objects. Interestingly, the equations of
gravitomagnetism are astonishingly similar to the consideration of the Maxwellian theory of
electromagnetism. In this review gravitomagnetism should be briefly introduced and derived from general
relativity. The equations of Gravitomagnetism will follow from the linear approximation of the Einsteinian
field equations and these equations are analogies to the equations of electromagnetism.
Please do not include too many equations. This review should be written as clear and as simple as possible
but should be physical correct. Some papers are attached which show these parallelism between
gravitomagnetism and electromagnetism. Especially the short review called Gravitomag is excellent