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Human trafficking as a contemporary health challenge

PHM003 Global Health 2019-20
Information about the module assessment

This information should be read in conjunction with the general Assessment Guidelines, which may be found in your Programme Handbook

Assessment 2: Individual written work (60%)

Assessment Specification

This assessment requires you to write an essay of maximum 2,600 words (including tables and figures, but excluding cover sheet, references and appendices).

For the essay, you need to identify a contemporary global health challenge and discuss its impact in a specific country or region of your choice.

The written essay should deliver the following:

1. Define, discuss and justify the global health challenge you have chosen by using relevant data, research literature, and global reports. Discuss the global significance of this health challenge, and its historical emergence as a global health issue. The WHO have identified 10 threats to global health, which may help inform your choice:
2. Describe the country or region you’re focusing on, giving: a brief background of the country or region; and discussing the historical, socioeconomic, health and political context – making clear how these relate to, and impact on, health.
3. Discuss the key health challenges of the country or region and how these relate to the global health challenge identified in the essay.
Discuss whether, and how, the country/region’s healthcare system and health policy are equipped to address your chosen global health challenge.
4. Based on your assessment, and on evidence and examples from other relevant countries, suggest recommendations for addressing your chosen health challenge.
Critically reflect on the feasibility of your recommendations (including any potential challenges and contextual issues).

You are free to choose both the global health challenge and country/region of focus for your essay. However, in doing this, it may help to:

• focus on a fairly specific topic, since attempting to cover a broad topic is likely to result in a superficial analysis of the issues;
• identify and evaluate the key policies relating to the topic;
• identify and evaluate the roles of the key actors and stakeholders;
• draw effectively and appropriately on relevant literature, evidence, theory and frameworks;
• adopt an analytical and critical approach to the issues throughout;
• explore future issues/challenges, and draw relevant conclusions and policy recommendations.

Please also read the Assessment Criteria (below) carefully.

It is vital that you follow the principles of good academic practice. Assignments will be checked using plagiarism detection software (Turnitin). Please ensure you have read and complied with the guidelines on academic misconduct and plagiarism avoidance set out in your Programme Handbook. You must ensure that you correctly reference (using the Harvard system) all the sources you have used and that all direct quotations are enclosed within double quotation marks.

Presentational aspects
Submit your work in Microsoft Word format. Only one file may be submitted that should include the cover sheet. Please save your file name with your module code followed by your student ID number. (See Programme handbook for details)
State the title of the assignment clearly at the beginning.
Structure your assignments using headings and sub-headings as appropriate.
All references used in the text must be included in the reference list, and vice versa.
Avoid paragraphs that are very long or very short.
Use bulleted / numbered lists sparingly.
Use a sans-serif font (e.g. Arial, Verdana, Calibri) with a font size of 11.
Use single line spacing, leaving a blank line between paragraphs. Please do not indent paragraphs.
Include a page number at the bottom of each page.

If you are at all unsure about whether a topic is suitable, or you would like to discuss potential topics, the appropriate approach to adopt or an essay outline, please contact the module leaders.

The deadline for submission of this assessment (electronically, via the appropriate drop box on Moodle) will be made available on Moodle.

Pass Mark
The pass mark for this assessment is 50%. You are required to achieve the minimum pass mark in each assessment, to pass the module.

Assessment Criteria
Please find the assessment criteria below. They are descriptions, based on the module’s learning outcomes, of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete an assessment successfully. Your feedback will be based on them.
Where possible, we will attempt to mark this assessment anonymously. It is your responsibility to ensure that your name does not appear anywhere in the file e.g. file name, header or footer etc.
Please also consult the Grade-Related Criteria (below) for descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment.

Assessment Criterion (indicative weightage) In this piece of work you will be expected to:
1. Presentation, clarity of expression, proper referencing and structure. (10%) • Present your findings and arguments clearly, fluently and professionally
• Consistently observe good academic practice and use Harvard referencing style
• The structure of the essay should be clear, coherent and logical, and include appropriate sub-sections.
2. Content and scope of literature and range and appropriateness of literature used.
• Cite relevant material, including up-to-date data and evidence, from a range of sources
• Demonstrate wide reading of the literature
3. Justify your choice of health challenge and your choice of country/region
(30%) • Define, discuss and justify the global health challenge you have chosen by using relevant data, research literature, and global reports.
• Discuss the global significance of this health challenge, and its historical emergence as a global health issue.
• Describe the country or region you’re focusing on, giving: a brief background of the country or region; and discussing the historical, socioeconomic, health and political context – making clear how these relate to, and impact on, health.

4. Critically reflect on the performance of the current health system and suggest recommendations for improvement
(30%) • Discuss the key health challenges of the country or region and how these relate to the global health challenge identified in the essay.
• Discuss whether, and how, the country/region’s healthcare system and health policy are equipped to address your chosen global health challenge.
• Based on your assessment, and on evidence and examples from other relevant countries, suggest recommendations for addressing your chosen health challenge.
• Critically reflect on the feasibility and challenges of your recommendations.

University’s Grade-related Criteria

These are descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment.

Class % Literary Description

Distinction 85-100 Outstanding Work that demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject area and addresses the learning outcomes/assessment criteria in full. Where relevant, it will show evidence of independent reading, thinking and analysis and strong critical ability. It will be well constructed and demonstrate a professional approach to academic practice. It will be of a professional standard.
80-84 Excellent
75-79 Very good Work that demonstrates strong knowledge of the subject area and addresses the learning outcomes/assessment criteria well. Where relevant, it will show evidence of wide and comprehensive reading and critical ability. It will be clearly written and adhere to the principles of good academic

Merit 67-69 Good Work that demonstrates a sound level of knowledge of the subject area and makes a good attempt to address the learning outcomes/assessment criteria, realising all to some extent and some well. There will be evidence of thorough research of the topic(s) but some answers may not be complete or arguments sufficiently explored. It will be well structured and logically written and will demonstrate good academic practice. Some critical ability will be evident.

Pass 57-59 Satisfactory Work that demonstrates knowledge of the subject area and provides some level of response to the learning outcomes/assessment criteria but only realises these outcomes and criteria to some extent and may not include important elements or information that is fully accurate.
Where relevant, development of ideas is limited but attempts will be made to analyse materials critically. Expression and structure may lack clarity and evidence of academic practice
will be limited.

Fail 47-49 Poor Unsatisfactory work that demonstrates very limited knowledge of the subject area and which does not succeed in grasping the key issues. Learning outcomes/assessment criteria will not be realised. There will be no real development of ideas and critical analysis will be very limited. Presentation is confused or lacks coherence.
40-43 Very poor Work that demonstrates no real knowledge of the subject area and which demonstrates a totally inadequate attempt to address the learning outcomes/assessment criteria. No critical ability will be displayed.


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