Final Business Plan Submission Guideline
Format: A4 // 6 pages // 1-inch margin // double spaced // 11 point // Times New Roman
Goal: Propose an information system-driven business idea (e.g. website, mobile application, software) Note: Do not propose – a website that sells…
Grading criteria: Clarity, level of effort, quality of content (potential impact and innovativeness)
Ideas that will not be approved
Parking lot search
Food ordering
Restaurant reservation
1. Executive summary (Max: 1 page) (JUST BRIEF SUMMARY)
Description of business: provide some information about the service you wish to offer
Markets: what markets do you intend to target?
Revenue model: what revenue model (e.g. advertising, sales, subscription etc.) do you intend to use?
Growth potential: what do you hop to achieve in one to three years’ time?
Summarisation: summarise the problem solving for customers, solution etc.
2. Opportunity and service description (Max: 2.5 pages)
Describe the problems and solution
What innovative features does your application offer?
List three unique selling points offered by your application
Provide a detailed description of your application
Who are your key customers and how will your application satisfy customer needs and expectations?
Use an image if it helps
3. Industry analysis (Max: 0.5 page)
Describe the industrial environment you intend to work (e.g. the size of market)
Describe the general market trends
Identify important changes in this market
4. Competition analysis (Max: 1 page)
Describe your competitors and the main strengths and weaknesses of the competitors
How can you be different? How can your application be more competitive?
5. Execution (Max: 1 page)
Outline the sales plan, technology plan, revenue model and other logistics involved in running your business
6. Reference
Put down the references you used in this plan
*** Follow the format and the order of content strictly ***