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Integrative psychotherapeutic counselling

1. Framework paper
All students will be required to submit piece of work that outlines your integrative framework. This will form the basis of a discussion about your integrative philosophy with the external assessor at the viva assessment. It is to be 2,500 words (+/- 10%).
These things should be considered…
• Your values and belief systems
• Your view of human motivation
• How you think personality and the ‘self’ are formed – developmental concepts
• View of deficits in growth or what stops or hinders development
• Regulation/dysregulation, trauma and developmental needs
Your view of psychopathology
• Demonstration of a self-reflective and non-oppressive attitude to clinical practice
• Your commitment to own learning of self and relational perspective
• Ethical frameworks and use of supervision
These questions should also be considered….
• How do you establish a working alliance?
• How do you work co-operatively to find a resolution to the problem/s identified?
• How do you use transference/countertransference?
• How do you use the formative experiences that contribute to client’s core beliefs and
• Are there any other relationship modalities that you use (i.e. Clarkson)?
• How you think people change/develop and how do you work to support this?
• What strategies/interventions you use?
• Conclusion – summarise the themes of your theory to practice in a short paragraph- include developmental and relational concepts

September 2019
Year 2 Framework Paper
The Framework paper is a 2500 word (+/- 10%) piece of work that shows both your developing integrative philosophy, and how you put that philosophy into practice (which you explain in the process of counselling section).
There are two sections to the document:
1. Integrative Philosophy
Your philosophy will incorporate:
Your personal belief system: how you believe personality and the ‘self’ are formed? What drives human behaviour?
The theory that informs those views: you may find it helpful to address the following questions: How do you define normal development? How do you think personality and the ‘self’ are formed? What developmental concepts are you drawn to? What is your view of deficits in growth or what stops or hinders development?
Where do you think dysfunctional ways of being have their origins? How you think trauma may manifest? Think about contextual and anti-oppressive considerations (e.g. social, economic, political) plus ethical frameworks and use of supervision and also why you are committed to your own learning of self.
2. Process of Counselling
In this section you show how the beliefs you have written in your philosophy inform how you work with clients.
How you think change happens? The answer to this question will obviously link back to your philosophy. In this section you show how you work with clients enable change and growth. Please consider the following points:
What fundamental principles inform your philosophy and therefore your practice? How do you establish a working alliance?
How do you set out to work with the client co-operatively to find a resolution to the problem/s identified? How do you listen to the client? How do you work with transference and countertransference? How do you work with the relationship in mind (i.e. Clarkson)? How do you know when to use an intervention; what may you do; what skills do you use when doing this? How do you evaluate progress? How do you use supervision? How does your own personal growth support your clinical work? How does culture, context and anti-oppressive practice influence your work; what part do you play? What about ethical consideration?
Correct referencing is expected throughout.
Checking and Submission of the Framework Paper
Your Framework paper is to be handed in on the date specified on Info Sheet 008 Markers and Readers. It will be given a pass/fail mark and will be sent back to you within the required time frame (4 weeks) with accompanying feedback.
Once you are nearing completion of 100 clinical hours you will resubmit the updated framework paper (with the suggestions and feedback incorporated) to your Programme Lead. The PL may return it to you with further comments that need to be addressed before final submission.
Once the PL considers it ready for submission you send it to the Head of Training. She may make some final suggestions to ensure it is ready for submission.
When it is passed as ready for submission a hard copy is sent to the Head of Training. It is at this point the Viva fee is paid. This is currently £250.00.
Client Logs
You are also required to submit (at the same time as your completed framework paper):
1. A copy of your clinical practice log
2. A copy of your clinical practice record summary showing a total of 100 clinical hours.
These logs sheets (available on Moodle) should be completed fully and these will form the basis of a discussion with the external assessor about your clinical practice to date.
Once you have submitted the Framework paper and completed the 100 hours you will be given a place on the next Diploma viva. These are held at regular intervals throughout the academic year. Forthcoming dates will be published on Moodle.
Formatting Guidelines
You need a front page saying:
• Framework paper
• Diploma in Integrative Counselling
• Your name
• Submitted: the month and year
You need a contents page with:
Your headings, with page numbers Word count at the bottom of the page
The total word count should be 2500 word (+/- 10%) do not include front page, contents page, headings, sub-headings, quotes and references in your word count.
Your main headings will be:
• My Integrative Philosophy
• Process of Counselling • References
You need a new page for each section
Text is to be in Arial size 12 font
All main headings should be in Arial size 16 font, in Bold and Centred All subheadings should be in size 14 font, in Bold and on the left
1.5 spacing throughout
Double spaces between paragraphs
Justify both margins
All quotes should be in quotation marks (‘) and in italics
Use speech marks (‘’) for actual dialogue and in italics
Direct quotes should be indented both sides of the page
Page numbers should be at bottom of page and central
If you use dialogue – please put the names in bold
Reference page All references in Harvard


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