Carry out a detailed language observation on a child age 3 preschool engaging with a practitioner.
Analyse the developing speech and language recorded, drawing on relevant theory, government initiatives
and frameworks to support their work. Reflect on the key issues that affect children’s language and
Give a critical evaluation of the role of an effective practitioner in providing a language rich environment
and opportunities for purposeful interactions. An understanding and use of specialist speech and language
terminology. The module will examine the use of synthetic systematic phonics in the EY and the
knowledge of how rhyme, rhythm, sound and song help to develop children’s speech. Critically analyse
and apply the theories of language acquisition and speech development
Apply appropriate terminology to discuss and identify patterns of children’s linguistic and conceptual
development, demonstrating an understanding of individual developmental variations
Critically reflect on socio-cultural factors that may impact on the development of children’s language
Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of developing partnerships with parents.
please read module guide and use some of the course reading materials and suggestions