2. For the Learning Theories Paper: Chapter Seven of our text provides discussion of many different theories of teaching derived from theories of learning. Lacking in depth, the discussion does provide a very broad sampling of many notable ideas. This assignment provides an opportunity to add depth and prepare you for the reflective essay. Below is an outline of the organization of chapter five:
Teaching Concepts Derived from Learning Theories about Animals and Children (pp. 114-122)
Thorndike, Guthrie, Skinner, Hull, Tolman, Gange’
Teaching Concepts Derived from Learning Theories of Adults (pp. 122-130)
Rogers, Watson, Houle, Tough
Concepts of Teaching Derived from Theories of Teaching (pp. 130-140)
Dewey, Bruner, Bandura
Perspective Transformation/Critical Reflectivity (pp. 141-145)
Mezirow, Brookfield
Choose one of the four listed
(1) Choose one of the four areas above. Read that section of our book.
(2) Choose two of the theorists listed in your area and research those persons’ ideas about learning.
(3) Prepare a four page, well written essay (does NOT include title page and reference page; no abstract required) summarizing these persons’ ideas about learning. Use APA formatting and include at least three references.
(4) Submit your paper to your instructor for evaluation and feedback.
Please use the source below for one of the three which will be the attachments
The title page and reference still have to be concluded . But not with the four pages. Please check all grammatical errors.
Please refer to grading rubric attached