ISSA: Ethnography Essays
This essay assignment asks you to examine and discuss key concepts from the graphic ethnography, LISSA, by Sherine Hamdy and Coleman Nye with illustrations by Sarula Bao and Caroline Brewer (2018). Please choose two of the essay topics listed below. -For each essay response, please write a five-paragraph essay with an introduction and conclusion. -Choose three different subtopics to discuss within the overall question, and develop these fully in each of the three body paragraphs. Use course vocabulary where you can. Remember topic sentences and concluding sentences. -Please include supporting quotes from the text in each body paragraph with page number citations, like this “(87).” -If you do not have page numbers in your copy of the book, please write: “(page number unavailable).” Example: On the two-page spread with images of cancer, DNA, and money, a cancer patient says, “With cancer, it is hard to tell the difference between the cure and the cause” (page number unavailable). -When using a quote in your essay, introduce the quote, give the quote, and explain why you used it (what I call a quote “sandwich”). Quotes should be used as evidence to support your assertions. -You may write more than five paragraphs if you like, but each essay may be no more than 2 pages, double-spaced, with 10-12 pt. font. -Please include the complete reference for the text in APA format. If you need help with APA format for references, search online for The OWL at Purdue (online writing lab). ESSAY QUESTIONS – Choose two 1. How does religion play a role in Lissa? 2. How does the book Lissa use health and illness to illustrate the various characteristics of the political, cultural, and religious environment during the Egyptian Revolution? 3, How does the book illustrate the different means of communication between characters? 4. How does the title of the book and its meaning affect the lives of the girls?