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Literature Review

Literature Review blog post instructions
Write a literature review blog post on: ω 3 versus ω-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cardiometabolic Health

Lecturer words: Review blogs should be based on the publication style as in Trends in Molecular Medicine. Please refer to this link:
*Refer to this link (IMPORTANT!)

1. Keywords: Include at least 4 descriptive keywords
2. Abstract / Summary (120-150 words)
 Briefly explain the necessary background and encapsulate the take-home message for a non-specialist reader.
 Please emphasize the recent developments or novel conclusions, concepts, or models that make your Review timely.
 Must not include reference citations.
3. Structure
 Introduction: The introduction should be aimed at non-specialists: please indicate:

 why the subject is important and why you are writing about it now
 what recent developments in the field make it topical?
Please give this section a short, descriptive heading (other than ‘Introduction’). This section should be one or two paragraphs only.
 Synthesis of recent developments: Provide a synthesis (not a summary) of recent developments (last 10 years maximum). Use concise, informative sub-headings and provide clear links between sections.

 Summary of article: Please end with a brief summary of your article. This section should be entitled ‘Concluding Remarks’ or ‘Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives’ and should include:

 A strong take home message
 Information vital in “filling gaps of knowledge”
 A clear indication of future research, highlighting current and future limitations (please note that to allow room for speculation and scientific debate).

4. Formatting – Please use 12pt Arial or times new roman font and a minimum of 1.5 spacing.

5. Main text (1500 words Max, 50 references Harvard style)
 The word limit (1500) does include text in boxes, tables, figure legends, and abstract.

 Please use informative headings (in Bold) and not, for example, Introduction, Discussion. However, a ‘Concluding Remarks’ section should be included. Subheadings (in Italics) are allowed in all sections (except the Introductory section).

 Please spell out Latin names of organisms in full, upon first usage.

 Blog Reviews should include: 6 display elements (figures, tables, or text boxes).

 References – 50 references (year 2013 – 2020), Harvard style

 must be scientific resources searchable on PubMed data base and MUST NOT be internet link

 Concentrate on the seminal references of the past 1–6 years (year 2013 – 2020)
 Cite primary research literature when discussing specific findings.
 Reviews can be cited only to give the necessary background on the topic and to refer to older key data
 References will not be included in final word count


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