This assignment has 2 parts discussion board post AND reply to 2 classmates’ posts (which I will provide after you complete Part 1)
Managing Teams
This module discusses the complexities of managing technical teams.
The learning objectives for this module are:
• To gain an understanding of the specific strengths and limitations of the managerial, HRM, and IS work cultures, finding ways to work more effectively as a team for the success of all stakeholders.
• Develop skills in identifying power systems and accessing their advantages and disadvantages.
The activities to meet these objectives are:
• Read Chapter 5 Managing a Team (please the text book PDF Attached)
• Participate in the Discussion board Discussion 5 “Teams”
Discussion 5 “Teams”
Teams are complex working units. When we participate in a sports event on a team there are the superstars, the average players and the not-so-good players. We encounter those same categories of people at work when we are on a team.
Find an article about Teamwork (especially in a technical setting), (it could be a CURRENT web article). Add the URL link – summarize the article and discuss the challenges you have had with being in a team and how the situation could have been improved by either you or someone else.
REPLY TO 2 OF YOUR CLASSMATES – I will Provide 2 of my classmates post after Part 1 is complete because I won’t be able to see until I post mine.
Respond to 2 of your colleagues posts. The initial post should be completed by Thursday and the responses by Sunday evening.