The assignment for the Formal Report (recommendation report) is to research a topic from list provided on the proposal prompt and to write a full-length (15-20 page double spaced report [if you go over, that is completely fine]) research report on the topic that was decided on in your Proposal. Note: If you need to change, you must get approval from me first.
The formal report is where you carry out the research plan that you presented in the Proposal. The purpose of the formal report is to demonstrate your ability to prepare a formal research document to a specific audience, professional audience.
To receive credit for the Formal Report, you must
1. Choose an appropriate topic from the list provided on the proposal. Most of these regard workplace policies or product recommendations. Remember the end goal is to recommend a specific product or policy. See sample Recommendation Report on pages 357-380 in Ch. 13 of the Markel and Selber course textbook.
2. Write a Proposal and get my approval for you chosen topic. You will be e-mailed through e-campus if your proposal does not meet approval. If you feel the need to radically change your subject, even to another item on the list you need to conference with me at least two weeks prior to the due date on the formal report.
3. Use and incorporate a minimum of 10 credible sources in the report. These sources should appear as both a quote or paraphrase material within one of the sections of the recommendation as well as on the works cited for the recommendation report. Three of the ten sources were used in your proposal, those also need to appear in the formal report. These sources must be directly quote in the body of the formal report in order to satisfy this requirement.
4. Follow appropriate APA guidelines for documentation. Documenting sources effectively helps reduce the risk of plagiarism. In addition, I will be opening your dropbox early, so that you can view your percent similarity in turn it in.
5. Submit one electronic copy of the final draft online via eCampus dropbox by 11:00 PM on the due date. No late work will be accepted.
Specific Requirements
Please read and follow the instructions below carefully and ask for clarification if there is anything you do not understand.
1. Presentation is important. The formatting requirements for the formal report are as follows:
a. use Times New Roman, 12-point font;
b. double-space the body of the report or single-space with double-space between paragraphs
c. use headings to direct the reader through the report. Headings should be in bold print.
d. leave a 1¼-inch margin on the left-hand side of the document for binding purposes; a one-inch margin should be used on all other sides; do not justify right margin; leave ragged right edge;
e. submit the Formal Report with the following information on the front
Your Name
Formal Report Title
ENGL 2311
Instructor: Mrs. Phipps
November 14, 2019
2. Order is important.
a. Do not number the pages that come before the Table of Contents. This includes the cover and letter of transmittal.
b. The Table of Contents is considered the first page of the front matter and is the first page that is numbered. Number the pages of the front matter with lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.). Each of the items in the front matter should have separate pages.
c. Page 1 is the first page of your report body, the Introduction. Generally, these numbers are placed in the upper right-hand corner of the pages.
3. Content is important. Be sure to read Markel and Selber Ch. 13 so you know what is required in your formal report (recommendation report) as well as the description of the formal report in the proposal prompt. The following page provides a list of all required elements for the formal report.
Section of The Formal Report Purposes of the Section Elements in the Section
Front Matter • To orient the reader to the subject
• To provide summaries for technical and managerial readers
• To help readers navigate the report
• To help readers decide whether to read the document • Letter of Transmittal (required)
• Cover Letter (required)
• Abstract (required)
• Table of Contents (required)
• List of Illustrations (optional)
• Executive Summary (required)
Body • To provide the most comprehensive account of the project, from the problem or opportunity that motivated it to the methods and the most important findings • Introduction (required)
• Research Methods (required)-these are the tasks you performed
• Results (required)
• Conclusions (required)
• Recommendations (required)
Back Matter/ Appendices • to present supplementary information, such as more detailed explanations than are provided in the body
• to enable readers to consult the secondary sources writers used • glossary (optional)
• list of symbols (optional)
• references (required)
• Photographs (optional)
• Survey Questionnaire including the results (required if you used one)
• Correspondence (optional)
• Budget Information (optional)
4. Crediting sources is REQUIRED. You must cite all 10 sources both in the body of the report and in the bibliography in appropriate APA format. Using borrowed language and/or ideas from sources without attribution will be treated as a case of plagiarism and is an automatic zero. For more information, revisit the materials in Week 5 and Ch. 2 “Understanding Ethical and Legal Considerations.”
This report should be uploaded electronically by the due date. Do not wait until 10:59 PM on the due date to submit the Formal Project to the dropbox.
Absolutely No Late Reports Will Be Accepted!!!