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Multimodal Research

Structure of paper:
• Title – Two-part or one-part crea:ve & informa:ve :tle
• Introduc:on (thesis statement) + Summary of film (no longer than half a page)—
they could be separate paragraphs, where, for example, the introduc:on
introduces a cri:c’s take on the film and your response to it (they say/I say) and
the next paragraph summarizes the film
• Evidence – possible forms of evidence include: review of literature (summarizing
what cri:cs have said about the film, though not ); conceptual frames
(economic, poli:cal, ethical, philosophical, etc.); descrip:on and analysis of
selected scenes, images from the movies, etc.
• Counter-arguments + rebuCal — Opposing viewpoints on the film and your
rebuCal in defense of your thesis
• Conclusion – Why does it maCer? What is the larger significance?
• Works Cited Page
Note: This paper is not a film review; therefore, do not focus on how cri:cs rated the film or
whether you think it is a good or bad film. Focus instead on Snowpiercer’s argument and the
issues it raises as they relate to the poli:cal debate over climate change. Finally, use the scenes,
characters, and the film-script to frame the debate and to back up your argument. For example,
if you wanted to address the debate over human nature that Joel Wainright and Geoff Mann
touch on in the epigraph above, you should include how characters like Wilford and Minister
Mason regard the so-called masses, quo:ng the relevant passages.


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