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Nutritional Analysis Assignment

HHP 3003 Nutrition for Athletes – Spring 2020
Nutritional Analysis Assignment

This assignment provides an opportunity to become aware of your eating and the nutrients you consume. The assignment is divided into 3 parts.


Part 1: Food Record

You will record everything you eat and drink for 3 days on the Daily Food Record sheets. Be as specific as possible by looking at serving sizes on labels or measuring for accurate portions. These days DO NOT need to be consecutive.

As you record what you eat, document how much of each nutrient and vitamin is contained in each item eaten. You may want to pick up nutrition info at restaurants or fast food restaurants to help you with this part of the project.

Utilize the following websites to give you in depth information on your Food Record items.
National Nutrient Database –
Self Nutrition Data –
Nuritionix –
Food Super tracker –
USDA Nutrition Website –
Nutrition Value –

Some helpful notes on maintaining the Food Record:
– Be as detailed as you can. (i.e., “batter fried chicken drumstick with the skin”….not just “chicken”).
– Be accurate with portion size. Measure or weigh portions if you need to. Here are some ”rough” estimates to help you with portion sizes.
– 1 cup dry cereal – 4 golf balls
– 2 ounce bagel – 1 hockey puck
– 1 teaspoon vegetable oil – 1 die
– 3 ounces cooked meat – 1 deck of playing cards
– 2 tablespoons – 1 ping pong ball
– Do not wait until the end of the day to try to remember what you ate previously. Record what you eat throughout the day.
– Remember to include “additives” like sugar and cream added to coffee or tea; butter, margarine, jam or
jelly on toast or sandwiches; sauces and gravy; salad dressings; mayonnaise, mustard, and relish. Include coffee, tea and diet sodas.

The food record logs must be included with your final written paper.

Part 2: Calculations

Upon completing the 3-day food record, you will:
1) Calculate the totals for each nutrient and vitamin value for each individual day
2) Calculate the average for each nutrient and vitamin value over the 3 days.
3) Compare the average values to the DRI values discussed in class and your textbook.
4) Calculate Estimated Daily Energy Need (using p.62-63) and the approximate caloric intake for the subject. Compare this to actual data.
5) Calculate what optimal intake fats, carbohydrates and protein for the subject. Compare this to actual data.

Calculations can be included in the final paper in table or graphic form.

Part 3: Nutritional Analysis Discussion

In a typed, college-level paper, you will discuss your findings and recommendations. This analysis will include:
– An overview/background of the subject and their basic eating practices. Include basic demographics, health conditions, activity level and any other pertinent information regarding the subject.
– Summary of your findings relative to the target nutrient ingredients. Focus on the SIGNIFICANT findings. In this summary do not forget to examine:
– An analysis of caloric and nutrient intake given the subject’s activity level.
– An analysis of fat, protein and carbohydrate intake compared to common recommendations.
– A discussion of vitamin and mineral intake (% DRI) and possible health implications.
– An explanation of why your significant findings are significant.
– A discussion of any issues that arose during the study that may have affected results.
– A recommendation of AT LEAST THREE changes the subject should implement given their results. These recommendations should include a plan of implementation.


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