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Outline the core principles and practices of community Music and its relationship to youth work in Ireland

Essay Part : 1500 Words
Focus on the role of music for young people.
Review the literature on youth music
Consider funding mechanism for music and youth work
Case Studies Part : Assignment 1500 Words
• Please write about two case studies of youth music projects(Music Projects Case studies are based upon
mentioned below- Above submission date) Writer has to
Reference to at least five readings in Community Music literature and at least 20 -25 references to be
given throughout the essay / case studies and a Bibliography at end of assignment (Harvard Style
• Overall base this essay on a reflection of your views on how music could
be developed within this setting to support increased provision for young
All of this work can be DESK BASED resear

Music Assignment Guidelines / Directions
3000 Word essay outlining the core principles and practices of community
Music and its relationship to youth work in Ireland

Essay Part : 1500 Words
 Focus on the role of music for young people.

 Review the literature on youth music

 Consider funding mechanism for music and youth work

Case Studies Part : Assignment 1500 Words
• Please write about two case studies of youth music projects(Music Projects Case studies are based upon mentioned below- Above submission date) Writer has to
Reference to at least five readings in Community Music literature and at least 20 -25 references to be given throughout the essay / case studies and a Bibliography at end of assignment (Harvard Style Referencing)

• Overall base this essay on a reflection of your views on how music could
be developed within this setting to support increased provision for young

All of this work can be DESK BASED research

Music Projects Case Studies Are Based Upon



Due Date – 14th April 2020

 Useful Links / Reading e.t.c.

More files , Websites documents to support work will be attached in in your files attachment area . The work is not a straight forward essay, it is part essay, part case study while also being a reflection critique e.t.c.

Some books reading list below which can be referenced from? Case study will have to be a reflection also while Youth Music Projects to be reflected on and discussed in Case Study part of assignment are in links above. Their websites what there about e.t.c. but writer of assignment will have to reflect on projects and follow case study directions mentioned above?

Reading List for Community Music Module
Reading List (most available online in journals or in the library) :
An introduction to Community Music

Higgins, L. (2008), ‘Community Music and the Welcome’, Int
ernational Journal of Community Music. 1: 3, pp. 391–400, doi: 10.1386

Everitt, A.
(1997), ‘A Case for Participation’
, Joining In: An Investigation into Participatory Music
. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 6-31.

Matarasso, F. (1997) Use or Ornament: The Social Impact of
the Arts, Comedia. History of Community Music

Higgins, L. (2008). ‘Growth, pathways and groundwork: Comm
unity music in the United
Kingdom’, International Journal of Community Music. 1: 1, 23–

Veblen, K. K. and B. Olsson (2002), Community Music: Tow
ards an International Perspective.
In Richard Colwell and Carol Richardson (Eds.), The New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning. New York: Oxford University Press.

Fitzgerald, Sandy 2004,
An Outburst of Frankness: Community Arts in Ireland
, New Island
Books Ireland. Journal of Music Education, 26: 326.
Workshop skills and the role of a music leader in the

Higgins, L, (2008). ‘The Creative music workshop: event,
facilitation, gift, International
Journal of Music Education, 26: 326.

Mullen, P. (2008). ‘Issues in leadership for community mu
sic workers’, ISME Community
Music Activity Commission, Rome, http://cma2008.wikispaces. com/P
+Issues+in+leadership+for+community+ music+workers. Acce
ssed August 2011.

Creech, A. (2010). ‘The role of music leaders and commu
nity musicians’. In Susan Hallam
and Andrea Creech. Music Education in the 21
Century in the United Kingdom. Institute of
Education: university of London. 314-329.
Project Planning and Evaluation

Benson, J. (2010). ‘working with different types of gro
ups’ in Working more creatively with
groups, Routledge. 213-236.

Matarasso, F (1996). Defining Values: Evaluating Arts Programmes,

Arts Council, (2010). Developing the Arts in Ireland Arts
Council Strategic Overview 2011 –

Arts Council website – Arts Participation -
Community Music and Schools

Mullen, P. (2002). We don’t teach, we explore: Aspects
of community music

Green, L. (2008). ‘Introduction’. Music, Informal Learning
and the School: A New Classroom
Pedagogy, Ashgate Popular and Folk Music, 1-21.
Music and Disability

Music Leader (2009). Music and People with Learning Disability:
A Guide for Music Leaders.

Welch, G; Ockelford, A.(2010). ‘Music for All’. In Susan
Hallam and Andrea Creech. Music
Education in the 21
Century in the United Kingdom. Institute of Education: un
iversity of
London. 36-53.

Grant, E. (2006). Behind the Scenes at ‘Beam Me Up: A c
ase study of a disability performing
arts project’. In Tom O’Connor and Mike Murphy (Eds)
Social Care in Ireland-theory,policy
and practice. CIT Press.
Community Music and Music Education

Freire, P. (2006).
Teachers as cultural workers: letters to those who dare to teach
. 2nd Edition. Boulder: Westview Press.

Useful practical books:

Moser, Peter and McKay, George ed. 2005,
Community Music: A Handbook
, Russel
House Publishing Ltd. [ISBN: 1903855705] •
Bean, John & Oldfield, Amelia 1991,
Pied Piper: A Handbook of Musical Games to
Develop Basic Skills
, Jessica Kingsley Publishers London [ISBN: 1853029947] •
Gadsby, David and Harrop, Beatrice ed. 2002,
Flying a Round
, A & C Black Publishers
Ltd. London [ISBN: 071366343X] •
Hunt, Peter 2001,
Voiceworks, A Handbook for Singing
, Oxford University Press
Oxford [ISBN: 0193435497] •
Leck, Graeme 2003,
Performance Making: A Manual for Workshops
, Currency Pty Ltd.
UK [ISBN: 0868196738] •
Sanderson, Ana 1995,
Banana Splits
, A & C Publishers Ltd. London [ISBN:
0713641967] •
MacGregor, H; Gargrave,B; Roberts, S. Let’s go Shoolie Sh
oo: Creative Activities for
dance and music. (2004)

Cole, B. (2006) The pop composers handbook, Schott and
Company Ltd

Guidelines and directions are to be clearly followed. This is not a full essay assignment. It is part essay, part case study plus critique and reflection. It is also a creative assignment where pictures , images and videos – YouTube links e.t.c. are to be used. Very important directions are followed or assignment will have to be redone if not creative or well done.


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