1,500 words (excluding references)
Writing a report for a stakeholder organisation
A major charity called Parkinson’s UK is trying to decide whether they should fund research into the neuropsychological effects and behavioural/neuropsychological treatment of a movement disorder; Parkinson Disease
Write a report to inform their discussion. The essay may focus on non-movement aspects of the disorder (e.g. impaired cognition in Parkinsons Disease) or on the motor symptoms.
The report should consider the following FOUR things:
1) The degree to which the disorder presents a significant problem to the people the charity supports (e.g. prevalence- measurement of all individuals affected by the disease at a particular time) and effects on outcomes).
2) The aims and funding priorities of the charity.
See on https://www.parkinsons.org.uk
3) An evaluation of the progress in our neuropsychological understanding of the disorder and its treatment. What did James Parkinson’s 1817 say initially- in 1817 (peoples knowledge of the disease extended to the symptoms and there was zero understanding of the neurophysiological aspect) What about now?
4) The identification of areas for future research that may benefit the people the charity supports look at their website what have they done which had the most success- does something need more funding for it to be more successful. Note: Still no cure.
Use the slides if need be, as well as the Parkinson’s UK website