Using the attached speech outline, complete a draft outline for your final persuasive speech. (Pick A Topic Of Choice)
Complete the outline by providing each information requested under each section.
The purpose of this speech will be to persuade. The specific purpose will be determined by your topic. (Persuade the audience to…….)
The opening statement should be your “attention-getter”, it is designed to make the audience pay attention and want to hear your speech.
The introduction should provide a preview of your speech and arguments.
Your thesis statement is the “gist” of your argument.
Each major point should be supported by 3 piece of evidence.
The conclusion should include a review of your arguments.
Your closing statement should be a powerful reminder of why the audience should be persuaded by your speech.
Adler, R., Rodman, G., and du Pre, A., Understanding Human Communication, Oxford University Press, Latest Edition