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Quantitative Research

2020SP Quantitative Research (DEL-805-172N)

Application Assignment
Due Sunday, February 23, 2020, 11:55 PMTime remaining: 3 days 1 hour

Review the literature provided on social capital and develop a 12-15-page paper in which you present an argument for the quantitative component of a mixed methods research study. Your paper needs to include an abbreviated Ch 1 (purpose and context for the research), an abbreviated Ch 2 (a brief narrative about the literature which forms your conceptual framework – i.e., the key concepts/constructs), and a full Ch 3 (An expanded methods chapter including your argument for the mixed method research methodology, design, method, and data analysis as well as procedures for addressing ethical and rigor issues). (Refer to the syllabus for the full description of this assignment and content to include in each chapter.)

This is a team assignment and each member of the team will participate in all decisions and presentations of the research. Each team will be given 20 minutes to present the study and interpretation of results using a powerpoint using the 10-20-30 format (no more than 10 slides, excluding title slide and references slide(s); an oral presentation of no more than 20 minutes; and a minimum 30-point font on all slides). Use the notes pages in PowerPoint to develop your oral presentation. Your notes pages should total 2500-3000 words.

Please Read The Following full Instruction Attached Below.

Application Assignment

Review the literature provided on social capital and develop a 12-15-page paper in which you present an argument for the quantitative component of a mixed methods research study. Your paper needs to include an abbreviated Ch 1 (purpose and context for the research), an abbreviated Ch 2 (a brief narrative about the literature which forms your conceptual framework – i.e., the key concepts/constructs), and a full Ch 3 (An expanded methods chapter including your argument for the mixed method research methodology, design, method, and data analysis as well as procedures for addressing ethical and rigor issues). Your paper must have the following elements:

Chapter 1

o Your purpose for conducting the research. Include your personal and practical goals

o Contextual narrative for the proposed research

o Your research question (here also elucidate your intellectual goal)

• Chapter 2

o Brief narrative about the key themes from the literature as it relates to your research

o The key concepts which your research questions studies – your conceptual framework describing the relationships between those key concepts (You may choose to include a basic diagram of your conceptual framework which identifies the concepts and their relationships, but the diagram does not replace the narrative.)

• Chapter 3

o Rationale for the mixed methods methodology (i.e., the philosophical grounding for the quantitative component)

o The argument and description of the type of mixed methods design for your research question (Remember to provide your argument for why that is the optimal design of choice – not simply use the literature to tell us what that particular design is.)

o Describe the “researcher’s stance”

o Describe how and why you would select your population as well as how you will solicit and obtain your sample (participants) for the research

o Include specific details on how you would collect your data

o Include specific details on how you plan to analyze the data (e.g., Do not simply identify a specific statistical test.)

o Address potential bias and how your data collection and data analysis methods will minimize that bias.

o Speak to how your study addresses validity and reliability for the quantitative element.

Based on your paper, prepare a 10-20-30 power-point to be presented by the team during the last week of the course. The application assignment requires submission of both the ppt and the full APA formatted paper with references (not simply using the notes section of the ppt).

Application Intent: This research project with quantitative data and presentation is designed to help develop knowledge and skills for achieving DEL program’s outcome #5: Assess existing research and practices and design, conduct and interpret research to contribute to the theory and practice of leadership within one’s discipline and in interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary contexts.” (Refer to the DEL Learning Guide for the program outcome #5 rubric for additional description of criteria for this outcome.) Thus, your application must demonstrate skills in thinking skills applied to designing and conducting research.

• Address a research question which focuses on an interesting leadership question or problem for which mixed method design (quantitative and qualitative) can be used to answer the research question and which will contribute to the goals of the research.

• Situate the research question and design in context within the conceptual framework (provided) and justifying it relationship in the literature and practice of leadership as well a demonstrating an understanding of the study’s environment.

• Articulate and defend the design choices for goals, conceptual framework, research question(s), methods and validity.

Design measurement, sampling and data collection methods and analysis which can be implemented in a way to achieve the research goal and enhance validity. Support your choices.

• Support the responsible conduct of research which ethically addresses conflicts of interest, protection of human subjects, data acquisition and management, and collaboration.

• Communicate the design and its coherence clearly and effectively with evidence based writing and presentation

If your application assignment does not address the assignment’s intent it will not be graded and will be returned to you for further development. As you think about or perhaps begin drafting your application assignment you may want to discuss your approach to the intent of the assignment to ensure that it is meets the requirements of the assignment.

Please All In APA Style too.

Please let me know ASAP if something else is needed for you to complete this assignment too.


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