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Research Design and Qualitative Methods

SSH 301: Research Design and Qualitative Methods [Winter2020] Prof. Kris Erickson, PhDSSH 301–Socially Responsible Research ReflectionGuidelinesAssignmentOverviewIn this assignment you will address why research is important and how you will ensure your ongoing research activity—now and in future—will be“socially responsible.” There is no single, exclusive way to approach this reflection; however, successful reflections mustinclude detailed reflective writing (about a significant, personal experience involvingresearch) and will indicatea critical understanding of the history of social research. In addition, all reflections must cite at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources.Learning OutcomesBy successfully completing this activity, you will be able to:•Identify and describe your own standpoint in relation to critical and ethical social research•Begin to describethe strengths and limitations of common approaches to social researchEvaluationAssignments mustbe submitted individually in .docor .docxformat (no .pages or .pdf): in 12 point Times type, with one inch margins, double-spaced, APA formatted, left-aligned (right-ragged), andsubmittedonlyvia D2L. Reflections are expected to be at least three full pages (800–1000 words, plus bibliography), and mustnot exceed 1500 words (5pages). Please title your reflection, use descriptivefile nameswhen submitting to D2L, and utilize section headings and header/footer formattingappropriately. Assignments not meeting this basic submission and formatting criteria will not be graded until corrected and may result in a late penalty.Your reflections will be evaluated using three criteriaapplied equally (see the rubric for the assignment on D2Lfor specific details): 1.Documentation–5% of course grade•Name and describe an event or moment in your lifethat has strongly affected the way you think about research (research, inquiry, or investigationin general, “socially responsible” qualitative research in particular)•For example, considerhowyou constructed a particular past researchproject;or how you have been affectedby participating inor being subject toa certain research activity; or how youhave directly observed the effects of research/inquiry on someone you know•Focus yourreflection onthoroughly recounting a memory, event, or experienceof significance to you—the “what?” of the reflective process(see Fig. 1); youshould notdiscloseprivateand/or self-incriminatingexperiences, but youshould explore how and in whatways your personalexperience was transformativeFigure 1–The Reflective Process
SSH 301: Research Design and Qualitative Methods [Winter2020] Prof. Kris Erickson, PhD2.Examinationand Analysis–5%of course grade•Utilize relevant critical resources (theories and/or concepts) to examine or analyze the experience, event, or memory—the “so what?” of the reflective process•Consider the details you provide as drivingthe analysis you are making; in other words, include only necessarydetails: only thosethat will be examined•Your analysis should determine your use of critical, scholarly resources (not the other way around)3.Articulation or Integration of Learning–5%of course grade•Indicate what you have learned about conducting, experiencing, and/or observing the impact of research•For full marks, this dimensionmustbe specific, providing detailsabout what you learned and how it has impacted the very ways you nowthink and act—the “now what?” of the reflective process; be specific!Reflective WritingTipsHabituating Your Writing; Or, Making Writing a Habit not a ChoreReflective writing must clearly, thoroughly,and succinctly respond to the assignment prompts and isexpected to draw on critical, scholarly sources where appropriate. Reflective writing is notjournalingor diary entries; it is neither a spontaneous nor unplanned writing exercise. Instead, reflective writingshould be a product of critical thinking and theory-building. It is most successful when it is the product of intentional analytical writing techniques, including planning/outlining, peer editing, and a developmental process (in other words, your reflection should undergo multiple draftsand receive attention from other, third party, authors and editors, including your classmates, colleagues, and mentors). For students and burgeoning professionals of social research, writing mustbecomea habit.Assignments should represent the crystallization ofa process ofdailywriting: a habit that you should expectto develop only through committing to for aminimumof 20 minutes per day, whether this isthe activity of putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboardor both. Analog and digital tools to aid in realizingthis activityare plentiful, and can be used singly or in combination. Technologies to consider may range from the “lo-fi” to the “hi-tech,” such as:•Blank, lined, or griddedjournals (such as by Moleskine) that are marked upon by pencils, pastels, pens… anything that feelsrewarding to write with•Social technologies, such as peer support strategies and group writing circlesto get the writing done and provide support against procrastination and through anxietyand uncertainty•Zotero or Mendeley, bibliographic management software which allow you to organize your scholarly references, attach notes and quotes to each, and generate inline and bibliographic citations (in APA formats)•, Wikia, or other web-hosted solutions and variants (even “micro-blogging” tools like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagramcan help in habituating critical writing)which you can edit using both computer-based and mobile apps•Scrivener, OmniOutliner, Word, Pages, or other non-linear composition and word-processing software


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