Paragraph structure:
1. Topic sentence
2. Evidence (academic literature) citation
3. Own voice explanation from #2 evidence
4. Contrasting OR additional evidence – another citation
5. Own voice explanation from #4
6. Conclusion
Ask yourself the following questions:
• Did I directly address the question/task with the position sentence?
• Did my arguments in the supporting sentences support the position sentence?
• Did I reference and cite others’ work correctly?
• Did I check that the spelling and grammar are correct?
Features of a “good” paper
Correctly interpret the essay question or topic, and answer it fully.
• Put forward a well-thought-out argu• Check that there are no errors in your spelling, grammar, and
• Provide appropriate references in the required referencing style.
• Keep to the word limit (don’t be substantially under or over).
• Show interest and enthusiasm for the topic.ment and line of reasoning,
rather than merely reproducing information from source material.
• Treat the topic in sufficient depth, with evidence of thorough
• Demonstrate understanding of key principles, theories, and
concepts, and build these into the discussion.
• Maintain focus, keeping your discussion relevant to the question.
• Produce a cohesive discussion that is logically structured.
• Express ideas clearly, avoiding clumsy or awkward phrasing.