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Samsung Galaxy S20 Marketing Exchange Analysis

Assessment 2 – Group activity and report Details

This document provides you with information about the requirements for your assessment. Detailed instructions and resources are included for completing the task. The Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Rubric that markers use to grade the assessment task is included.
Task overview
Task description Your team needs to use the course materials, and a formal report format, to conduct a thorough analysis and evaluation of the product, the market and the exchange, concluding with a discussion on marketing value and collaboratively write a formal report.
Individually, you need to appraise your experience in group work. First, you will complete an evaluation of yourself and your team members (complete an Excel evaluation sheet). Second, draft a reflection on what you learnt about yourself as a team member and what you would do next time.
Purpose The group shows their understanding of various marketing theories and the impact of selected marketing tactics and practices for their selected product and market. In doing so, they show their understanding of marketing value and its development and use – value-in-use and value-in-exchange.
The assessment also develops teamwork and formal report writing graduate skills.
What you need to do Formal report: Group work
Assignment 2 draws on modules four (4) to nine (9). You need to:
• To review the market, the actors, and the product, to define the parameters and their implications for the discussion on marketing value
• To consider the exchange implication in determining marketing value
• To review the marketing value literature (this means a library search) to identify, describe and reflect on how value is recognised and determined by the parties at the exchange and in use. This review will consider value-in-use and value-in-exchange. Pay particular attention to the distribution channels, pricing and marketing communication, including branding.
In Module two, as an individual, you selected a product, for a given market and with preliminary work, developed a working profile of a product, its market and use. As a group, you will select the best product as the foundation for the report.
Your team will identify, review and describe the market, the actors (parties to the exchange), and the product, to explore and explain the parameters and implications for marketing value, for the selected product and market.
Factors your group may want to consider as relevant to the discussion and links with other parts of the report include,
Conduct and present the process and findings of an audit of the product, market and players
• Provide a detailed description of the product, including good/service, core/actual/augmented and PLC.
• Description of the supplying organisation(s) including size, legal structure, public/private, NPF/other, local/national/international
• Description of the other actors involved in your selected product and market.
• Description of the target market including B2C/other options, local/domestic/international/online market, or a combination
• Market orientation?
Present a detailed analysis of the exchange. Aspects you may want to consider include
• Exchange type – dyadic/restricted/generalised
• Parties to the exchange?
Identify, describe and reflect on how value is recognised and determined by the parties at the exchange. Consider value-in-use and value-in-exchange and where is value created. Also, consider
• Channel structure’s impact on value
• Pricing as a sign of value
• Communication and its impact on value, including branding.
• What are the implications of the exchange type on the determination of value-in-exchange and value-in-use for the product?
Summarise your findings by explaining each party’s role and interpretation of value-in-use and at value-in-exchange, and make recommendations and prescribe actions that would aid the current exchange.

Group Evaluation: Individual
There are two parts to this group work reflection. First, you need to complete the group member evaluation with the completion of the excel worksheet. Second, you need to draft a reflective narrative about your performance during the groups work and what you will do next time you have group work. The purpose is for you to think about your skills in working collaborative and identify how you can improve next time. Themes you may want to consider include:
• identifying what you thought you would bring and then what you did bring to the team,
• Identifying your strengths, and what you brought to the team,
• identifying what went well, and what did not work so well in the group, and
• concluding with, the strategies you would adopt next time when working collaboratively.
Due Date 12 May 2020, in your Moodle site by 23:55.

Task snapshot
Length Formal report: As needed to presents a professional format report addressing the task at hand – (as a guide between 5000 and 8000 words).
Group evaluation: Complete the excel spreadsheet.
Reflective narrative: Complete a sound reflection on the team’s development and performance 1000 words
Weighting 55 %
Individual or Group Group work and Individual work
Formative or Summative Summative
This assignment relate to the following course objectives:
1. Review, interpret and discuss marketing value’s theories, concepts and practices, and apply these to real-world marketing organisations
2. Perform a comprehensive value analysis for any given product and market exchange and justify recommendations for managerial action in the contemporary business environment
3. Locate, evaluate, and use information while citing sources appropriately and apply a range of writing styles. (The different writing styles are – expository, descriptive, persuasive and narrative).
4. Problem-solve, plan, make decisions, and apply ethical consideration through the application of theory, to a student selected real-world marketing organisations
5. Participate effectively as a team member and; contribute within the collaborative environments to produce outcomes.
How will I be assessed Rubric
Assignment objectives
• Actively and constructively, work in a group to develop a meaningful and productive outcome for the group.
• Take theory and discussions from the various module themes and externally sourced literature, and apply them to a selected product for a selected market.
• Perform a comprehensive value analysis for a given product, market exchange, and justify recommendations for managerial action in the contemporary business environment; and present the findings in a formal report.
• Synthesis and integrate finding and information from the modules to develop a comprehensive value outline for the product in the given market.
• Present the team’s findings in a formal report format.
This assessment evaluates the graduate attributes:
• formal report writing,
• teamwork,
• researching and synthesising information and
• applying theory to a given case, as the foundation for the assessment development.
Your assessment as an individual and a team player is assessed as part of the grading rubric.

Submission information
Resources available to complete task • Use the formal report format as outlined in the Communication skills handbook.
• The USQ Library Harvard AGPS referencing guide-
• Study Support –
• USQ Assessment policy – extensions late/ submissions –

What you need to submit • One member from your team will submit the Formal report.
• Each student will submit the Group evaluation excel spreadsheet evaluating themselves and the other members of the team
• Each student will submit a (1,000 word maximum) Word reflective narrative addressing their experiences working in a team.
Submission requirements • A member from the team will submit One formal report
• Each student will submit one Word document and one Excel document
Moderation (optional) All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.

Academic Integrity
As a student of the USQ academic community, you are asked to work to uphold the principles of academic integrity during your course of study USQ sets expectations and responsibilities of students, more specifically it states that students “adopt an ethical approach to academic work and assessment in accordance with this policy and the USQ Academic Integrity Policy:
At university, students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using the ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always making due acknowledgement to the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy part of or all of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may be reported for academic misconduct. If you are unsure and need further information, you can find this at
Academic Misconduct:
Academic Integrity Procedure:

Assignment 2 Rubric
Student Name: Date:
Assessment Name: Weighting: Mark:

Criteria 100 – 85% 84 – 75% 74 – 65% 65 – 50% 49 – 0%
Review, interpret and discuss marketing value’s theories, concepts and practices, as they apply to the team’s selected real-world organisation. The report presents an undisputable understanding and interpretation of the theory, concepts and practices. The report presents a proficient understanding and interpretation of the theory, concepts and practices. The report presents an understanding of the theory, concepts and practices, but requires minor refinement The report presents a foundation understanding and interpretation of the theory, concepts and practices, but requires additional clarity or correction for the interpretation of the theory, concepts and practices. The report presents an inadequate interpretation of the theory, concepts and practices and insufficiently described and discussed.
Perform a comprehensive value analysis for the selected product, parties and market exchange(s) and justify recommendations The report presents an undisputable value analysis of the product, parties and exchange with justifications, with no errors. Exceptional analysis and recommendations. The report presents a skilful value analysis of the product, parties and exchange with justifications, but with one or two minor errors with no impact on the analysis or recommendations. The report presents a sound value analysis of the product, parties and exchange with justifications, but with one or two minor errors that have little impact on the analysis or recommendations. The report presents an elemental value analysis of the product, parties and exchange with justifications, but some assertions and interpretations, need correction or further explanation for the reader. The report presented an unacceptable value analysis of the product, parties and exchange with justifications. The error led to flawed analysis and recommendations.
Demonstrate problem-solving, planning, decision-making, and ethical consideration through the application of theory, for the selected real-world organisations The report presents an undisputable presentation of problem-solving, planning, decision-making, and ethical consideration through application to the case, with no errors. The report presents proficient problem-solving, planning, decision-making, and ethical consideration through application to the case, but with no impact on the application. The report presents sound problem-solving, planning, decision-making, and ethical consideration through application to the case, but with one or two minor errors that have little impact on the application. The report presents satisfactory problem-solving, foundation planning, decision-making for most factors, and ethical consideration of most factors through application to the case, but some assertions and interpretations, need more clarification, explanation or evidence. Evaluation of solutions is superficial and does not address all of problem-solving, planning, decision-making, and ethical consideration needed when applying to the case.
Show information literacy by accessing and citing appropriate information and demonstrate writing ability by presenting a formal report A fluent report.
Professional tone, layout and formatting suited to the workplace context and communication of information.
No proofreading errors.
No errors in Harvard AGPS referencing technique and formatting. A fluent report.
Professional tone, layout and formatting suited to the workplace context and communication of information in all but one minor aspect that did not generally detract from readability.
A minor proofreading error with no impact on the overall document.
At most, a minor error in Harvard AGPS referencing technique and formatting. A mostly fluent structure.
Tone, layout and formatting suited to the workplace context with two or more inconsistencies that do not affect the communication of the information.
The report presents one or two minor proofreading errors that have little impact on the overall document.
A few errors in the application of Harvard AGPS referencing technique and formatting. A foundation structure.
Tone, layout and formatting suited to the workplace but inconsistently applied that distracts, but does not impede the communication.
The report presents several obvious proofreading errors with little impact to the overall document.
Inconsistent application of Harvard AGPS referencing technique and formatting. A tentative structure.
Layout and formatting are not suitable for the workplace context.
The report presents a significant number of glaring proofreading errors that affected the meaning and expression of information communicated.
There are multiple errors in the application of Harvard AGPS as referencing technique and formatting.
Performance in group work and as a productive team member. (27 marks) The student completed the team evaluation exercise with thought and care.

The student outlined things that worked did not work and linked them to the success of the group activity. They identified their strengths in their role and participation in the group and presented some strategies for future group work. The student completed the team evaluation exercise with thought and care.

The student outlined things that worked did not work and linked them to the success of the group activity. They identified what they would do differently next time and presented some strategies for future group work. The student completed the team evaluation exercise with thought and care.

The student identified some things that worked, did not work, and presented basic strategies for their practice in future groups. The student completed the team evaluation exercise with thought and care.

The student offered a superficial reflection on their role, development and offered shallow and inconsistent strategies for future group work activities.
The students offered a surface or shallow, evaluation of the team, by giving all members of the team the same or similar rating, or colluded across the groups to deliver similar results.

The student did not submit or offered deficient narrative work.

Additional Feedback


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