3/28/2020 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing
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Cafcass assessment, based on case studies presented in class. Appendices can be used,
Complete Caffcass report template- main focus of the child is Lotus Clegg
it is a public law assessment, make sure it is child centered (Lotus should me the main priority)
– We are the children guardian- so are appointed
– Can use numerous appendix
– It is a caffcass report as the child guardian appointed by the court
– appendices Evidence for assessment e.g. sign and safety assessments, neglect tool- can do other
– Section 31 court order threshold significant harm at the higher level
– When applying to court to remove the children- need to evidence it meets the care order , the child is not
safe, it is meeting the care order plan
– Evidence how the risk escalated,
– Include current up to date research
– Say how it has gone from section 47 to section 31
– Focus on Lotus Clegg (he is the child we are focusing on)
there is a case study with 4 parts look at that and complete the case report template. (before this you need to
read the case study and complete the caffcass report template, you may complete the Caffcass neglect tool
first to make it easier to evidence and complete the template, also complete the sign of safety)
to make it easier for you I have also attached previous years students work which is anonymised (It is the
same template but based on a different case study, it is just an example, also they focused on other children
we just need to focus on Lotus,)
Any question let me know, it should be fairly simple
In the caffcass report template for significant harm threshold need to demonstrate and analyse what is the
risk and say it has gone from section 47 to 31 (care order
include current uptodate research
for this template- no references required but may include it for the appendices
remember main focus is Lotus
can make some information up e.g. key agencies involved, could also do other extra assessment if needed
need to demostrate and evidence in the Caffcass report template how it met the higher significant harm
threshold for Care Proceeding
look at the attached case study part 1-4
complete Caffcass report template (may need to complete neglect tool first to make it easier when
completing the Caffcass report templete), complete signs of safety
to make it easier i have also attached an example of a previous case study which you can look at and read,
(this will make it easier for you to understand and complete the assessment.
can include reference if you want to but not required for Caffcass template